February 22 1781. 1783-1-21 Appointment Gov Benjamin Harrison to John Hall
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS 1930.8



Jan 21 1783

The Commonwealth of VIRGINIA,
To John Hall                      greeting:

KNOW you that from the special Trust and Confidence which is reposed
in your Fidelity, Courage, Activity, and good Conduct, our Governor,
with the Advice of the Council of State, and on the recommendation of the
Worshipful Court of the county of Pittsylvania                
doth appoint you the said John Hall first Lieutenant
                          of the said county of Pittsylvania
to take rank as such from the seventeenth day of June 1781
IN testimony whereof these our letters are made patent. WITNESS,
Benjamin Harrison       Esquire, our said Governor, at
the City of Richmond this 21st day of January
in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and '83.

(Registered in the WAR-OFFICE.)

Benj Harrison

William Davies acc #165