August 25, 1775 - Deed. John Randolph, and wife, Ariana, of Williamsburg, to Peyton Randolph, James Blair and James Cocke, also of Williamsburg.
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS1931.4.08


This Indenture made the twenty fifth Day of August in the year of our Lord one thou-
sand seven hundred and seventy five Between John Randolph and Ariana his Wife of the City of
Williamsburg of the one part and Peyton Randolph, John Blair and James Cocke Esquires of the same -
City of the other part Witnesseth that the said John Randolph and Ariana Randolph his Wife for a provision for
the payment of the Debts of him the said John now owing and for and in Consideration of the sum of five -
Shillings in hand paid by the said Peyton Randolph John Blair and James Cocke the Receipt whereof the said -
John both hereby acknowledged the said John and Ariana have domised bargained and sold and do by these presents -
domise bargain and sell unto the said Peyton Randolph John Blair and James Cocke their Heirs Executors Administrators
and Assigns the House wherein the said John Randolph now dwelleth in the City of Williamsburg together with one Tract
of Land adjoining the said House part of it lying in the said City of Williamsburg and the remaining part in the County
of James City containing by estimation one hundred Acres by the same more or less which Land was granted to the said
John Randolph by the said Peyton Randolph Esquire with all the Outhouses, Buildings, Edifices, Improvements, Reversion and
Reversions, Remainder and Remainders, Ways, Waters, and advantages in any ways appertaining and belonging to the said -
House and Land aforementioned; Also one pew in the Church of the said City belonging to the said John Randolph; Also
thirteen Negro Slaves belonging to the said John Randolph, to wit, Dinah, Betty, Betsey Daughter of the said Betty, Esther,
Niles, Son of the said Esther, Anny, Kitty, Sally, Quinda Daughter of the said Sally, Molly, Scilla, Johnny and Troy with all
the future Increase of the said Slaves; Also all the House's old furniture and sundry other things now in the
said House and Outhouses specified in a Schedule hereunto annexed To have and to hold the said House Land and all
and singular the premises hereby domised or mentioned to be domised with their and very of their Appurtenances unto the said -
Peyton Randolph John Blair and James Cocke their Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns forever. Upon this special Trust
and Confidence that they the said Peyton Randolph John Blair and James Cocke or the Survivors or Survivor their
Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns shall by, with, and out of the Rents, Issues, and Profits of the said domised premises, or by -Sale thereof, or any part thereof, or otherwise as to them shall seem most fit and convenient, raise and Levy Monies, and shall
therewith pay and satisfy all the just and legal Debts of the said John Randolph which he now doth owe to any person or persons whatsoever, by Specialty, simple contract, or any other way and after all the Debts of the said John Randolph paid and -
satisfied shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the said John Randolph whatsoever Sum or Sums of Money shall be
left in the Hands of the said Peyton Randolph John Blair and James Cocke, or either of them. In Witness whereof the -
said John Randolph and Ariana his Wife their Hands and Seals have set the Day and Year above written.

John Randolph
Ariana Randolph

Signed Sealed and Delivered }
in presence of.........
H. W. St . George
Saml Dixon
Wm Roth