September 4, 1778 - Land grant. Thomas, Lord Fairfax, proprietor of the Northern Neck of Virginia, to Joseph Combs.
CWF Rockefeller Library, Special Collections - SCMS 1931.4


The Right Honorable Thomas Lord fairfax
and all and know ye and give grant and
Confirm unto Joseph Combs of Stafford Coun
ty a Certain Tract or parcell of land in the
said County on the Branches of Aquiah and
Bounded a followeth Beginning at a white
oak and gum in the low grounds of the
Bauer dam run the Branch of a quiah Capta[in]
Thomas Barbur, beginning then running
along a line of ma[r]ked trees to a large hickory
on the Blan[illegible]ing branch then a long a line
of marked [Red Oaks ]to the foot of a small Riges
Between two Bottoms on the head of a great rook
ery run: then 5 & 74 pole to a Doubled Bodyd pine
a Corner of John Cooks and samuel timons
thence 32 W, 220 pole to a hickory by the B[auer]
Dam Run a corner of the 576 acre tract.
thence N 70 W 165 pole to a pine in the
fork of a branch then N 5 W 7 pole to a
red oak at the head of a branch of the Bauer
Dam Run thence 32 E 177 pole to a white oak
20 pole from the Bauer Dam Run the wordes
of the pattain thence N W 220 pole to
the aforesaid Beginning Containing 150
acres of land more or less together with all to
have and to hold and yielding and praying
and providing and giving Dated the 7th Day
of aprill 1733

a true copy from the proprietors

Mr . Harding alledges that this paper is fictitious, no such patent having
ever been made out in the office of the Proprietor; That some survey of the sort was
returned to the Office, but being fraudulent no Patent could be obtained; I have
directed him to apply for a copy of that survey, if to be found, & a certificate
that no Patent was granted thereupon. Also to get a copy of Combs's old
General Plot.

Edm Pendleton

Septr 29 1777

September 4th , 1778

On the Application of Mr Charles
Harding I certify that diligent
search has been made in the Office
of the Lord Proprietor of the Northern
Neck of Virginia and that it does not
appear that any Deed issued from the said
Office in the Name of Joseph Combs be
tween the Eighteenth Day of October One
Thousand seven Hundred and twenty seven
and the Eighth Day of April One Thou
sand seven Hundred and forty one

John Lagarde Clk