February 27, 1785 - Letter. John Tabb, Amelia County, to Henry Tazewell, Williamsburg, concerning the sale of a tract of land at the Capahosick [sic] [Cappahosic] Ferry, Gloucester County, Virginia
CWF Rockefeller Library, Special Collections - SCMS 1931.4


Ameilia February 27th 1785


Mr . Theodorick Bland informs me has sold you
the tract of Land he purchased of me at Capahosick Ferry
containing by a late survey 1447 acres, — more or less, I have
his Bond for £ 746.0.0 payable the 10th June 1786 on your
giving me your Bond in lieu thereof. I will make
you a deed for the said Tract of Land with a
general warrantee &c, and will meet you in [Richmond]
about the 12th of April for that purpose. I have yet
no deed from General Nelson for the Land, tho he has often
promised me to get Mr Waller to [illegible] Mr Bland will
deliver you a letter for him, you will oblige me by
delivering it, & ask him to be so kind as to have it f[illegible]
& I am with great respect

Your very hble svt

John Tabb

Henry Tazewell Esqr

Jno Tabb respecting
Cappahosick Land
March 1785

Henry Tazewell Esqr
Mr Bland