January 27, 1789 - Letter. Edward Rice, Williamsburg, to Henry Tazewell concerning the purchase of corn at a rate of twelve shillings a barrel.
CWF Rockefeller Library, Special Collections - SCMS 1931.4


Williamsburg 27th Jany 1789


Should it be agreeable to you
to furnish me with from Fifty to Seventy
Barls of Corn at Twelve Shillings p[er] Barl
you may rely on being paid in the month
of April either in Cash or Rum as you
may think proper — if this proposal shou'd
be agreeable to you, please deliver the Corn
to Captn Massingburg — but my terms
not suit you, I request you'll be so good
as to drop me a line, which will prevent
me from purchasing elsewhere.

I am with much Respect
Your very obedt Sert

Edward Rice

Please direct to the
care of Simon Vashon Norfolk


Edwd Rice

Henry Tazewell Esqr

Favor Captain}