Letter from Edmund Randolph to Henry Tazewell regarding Peyton Randolph's estate 23 April 1790
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS1931.4.24


Williamsburg April 23. 1790.

Dear Sir

I am under great obligations to you
for the delicate manner in which the bond has been communicated
to me, by yourself and thro' Mr . Wickham.

Altho' I am no executor, yet I sup.
pose my uncle's debts must be paid out of his estate in my
hands. In this instance, I would shake the bond off, if I could;
but I fear, it is bound too fast round my neck. So far there.
fore as the subject of your letter relates to what is due upon
that bond, I will cheerfully accept the terms, tendered to me.
But you know, that some interest has been paid, and, as Mr .
Blair says, about 155£ current money were directed by Mr . Carter
to be put into the loan office; that being his dividend of my
father's property.

As to the complement of £2000,
I believe, that we could negotiate it upon an interview. Say,
how shall this be affected? I know not, when I shall go; perhaps
not before you return, nor a long time after. At any rate I will
stay, till you come from Brunswick, and will meet you at any
place on the road South of Jas . River below Swan's point. Let me hear from you by the mail.

I am dear sir
with great esteem
yr . mo. ob. serv .

Edm. Randolph


Edmd Randolph


The honble
Henry Tazewell esqr

The postmaster is
requested to send
this immediately.