September 4, 1791 - Letter. Edmund Randolph, Philadelphia, to Henry Tazewell, Williamsburg, will send Tazewell a deed as agreed.
CWF Rockefeller Library, Special Collections - SCMS 1931.4


Philadelphia Sepr . 4. 1791

Dear Sir

I wrote to you two posts ago, confir-
ming the bargain with W. C. Nicholas. Hence you will owe
me at Christmas the crop of 1790 and the balance of the
purchase-money. Let me interest you therefore to make a
satisfactory [assumpsit] to Mr. Dun[eas] him to the amount; and I will
pay the balance on a draft at ten days sight. I have
written to him.

I am dear sir
yr. friend & ser.

Edm. Randolph


The Honble
Henry Tazewell Esq


Edmund Randolph
Sept 1 - 1791