April 9, 1794 - Letter. James Southall, Williamsburg, to John Holt, Norfolk.
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS1931.4.31


Williamsburg April 9 1794


I am sorry to find that you was not as good
as your word in paying mr Taylor the money you
promised you wold on the first day of this month
which I Informd him that you faithfully promised to
pay him on that day one hundred or one hundred
and fifty pounds of it was in your power to Rase
that sum but one hundred shuld be paid [certen]ly
now Sir I am sorry to find that you have not been so
good as your word as mr Taylor has just rought to mr Waller
Informing him of your promise to pay that sum to him
but that you had not paid him one shilling and
desires him to push the [execu]tion on against my b[rother]
as fast as he can which must be advertised on Monday
next and the sale of which must Take place as it
will not be in my Power to Rase that sum of money
on Time to prevent it now Sir I hope that you will
consider after my Indulging you and the many
promises that you have made me that you [illegible]
wold pay the money and now [fail]ing to do it has
given me so short a Time that it is not in my
Power to Rase it before the day of sale I hope sir
that you will do what you can to prevent the sale of my
as the advertising it will be bad enough but shuld it
com to be put up to sale it will next to death it self
p2 did I not know Sir that it is in your power to Rase the
money it wold wold not give me such a consarn I hope
that you will not Fail letting me hearing from you by the first
stage as I may prepear for the worst as should you
fail Rasing any money I shall oblige to com down
agane and make the best sail I can of [your bond]
as I had Reather loos on that then to be oblige to
sell my negroes for half sh[are] vallue I Bage Sir
that you will not fail so let me here from you by
next mondays stage as I shall be oblige to goe to
Richmond in order to Rase sum money [share] of

I am sir your very Humble

James Southall