February 1 1781. Land Grant to Archibald Hopkins Authorized by Governor Thomas Jefferson
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS 1931.6



THOMAS JEFFERSON, Esq; Governour of the commonwealth of
Virginia, to all to whom these presents shall come greeting: KNOW YE
that in consideration of the ancient composition of fifteen shillings sterling
                                         paid by Archibald Hopkins
                                    into the treasury of this commonwealth
there is granted by the said commonwealth unto the said Archibald Hopkins
a certain tract or parcel of land containing one hundred and twenty eight acres
by survey hearing date the 21st day of March 1780 lying and
being in the County of Rockingham on the east side of Muddy
creek and bounded as followeth, to wit, Beginning at
a white oak near the creek and near a line of shanklins land
in a line of his patent land thence then south twenty three degrees east
one hundred and sixteen poles to a white oak on a hill south
sixty four degrees east, east Twenty poles to a pine & south twenty
seven degrees west fifty two poles to a pine & north fifty
degrees west sixty eight poles to a pine & south fifty eight degrees west
Eighty eight poles to a pine & south six degrees West forty four poles to a
large white oak & north sixty degrees west fifty six poles to a white oak
[north forty five] degrees west [rubbing] poles to two small pines [over]
near her line & north fifty degrees east to two hundred & twenty poles to the beginning

with its appurtenances; to have and to hold the said tract or parcel of land,
with its appurtenances, to the said Archibald Hopkins
and his heirs for ever. IN WITNESS whereof, the said THOMAS
JEFFERSON, Esq; Governour of the commonwealth of Virginia, hath
hereunto set his hand, and caused the seal of the said commonwealth to be
affixed at Richmond on the first day of February
in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty one
and of the fifth year of the commonwealth, the

Th Jefferson


Archibald Hopkins
128 Acres
Recorded &

Archibald Hopkins is Intittled to the within men
=tioned tract of Land John [Howie] [Ra. S. OH]