April 30, 1782 Letter from de Segur to Rochambeau regarding British troop movement (translated from French to English)
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS1931.17.0022

First [copy]
Copy of the Letter Written by M. de Segur to M. the
Count Rochambeau the 30 April 1782.

The changes befalling the Ministry of the King of England,
could Sir, determine the English to change the system of
operations of the war in America; the King charged me to
inform you that it is necessary that you carry all your attention
to keep yourself well informed if the English, for whatever cause
that may be, evacuate the fortresses of New-York and Charles-town
that they occupy in North America. The intention
of His Majesty being that one of these cases happening, you should go
without awaiting new orders to place yourself on the Island of
St. Domingue with the entire corps that you have under your orders.

I am charged to inform you that in consequence the
transport ships which have just arrived in the Chesapeake
will stay there at your orders, and there will be sent there the largest number of
ships necessary in order to complete the transport of the 5000 men
which the army corps which is at your orders is composed.

Mr. de Grasse will be informed of this disposition in order that he
contribute to the execution of the King's orders which I address to you and
that he plans together with you if the foreseen circumstances should arrive.

His Majesty charged me to inform you that his intention
is that when you will have arrived in St. Domingue, the
p2 commanding of the land troops belongs to you and that you will
order superiority for all which could interest the defense
of the Island; but at the same time His Majesty understands that the
interior government of the colony is always exercised by
Mr. de Dellecombe, governor general.

I must also inform you, Sir, that the King being convinced
with His Catholic Majesty, that Messrs. de Galvez, de Bouille and de
Dellecombe plan among themselves the offensive operations and that,
in this case, the command would be vested in Mr. de Galvez and the
projects having been formed of it before there could be question of your
arrival in St. Domingue, the intention of the King is that you cannot upset
any of the measures taken by these generals; He
awaits on the other hand the zeal which animates you for his service which
you will contribute with all your power to the success of the expeditions
projected in having march there for them part or even the totality of the
troops which are at your orders if that was necessary; But
being the elder of Mr. de Galvez, the King being convinced that this
Spanish General would have the command of the expedition,
you cannot join any of yours to him, and you will
restrain yourself to give him all the aid that he will ask of you.
I am authorized to inform you on the part of His Majesty that
you must not be less persuaded of the confidence that he
p3 has in your talents if the King does not charge you with this expedition,
but that it was planned long before one could imagine
that your destination could be changed. His Majesty is
perfectly content with your services, he is disposed to
give you proof of his satisfaction that he has of it.
Nevertheless, if the climate of St. Domingue could be harmful to
your health, His Majesty permits you when you have
established there the troops which are at your orders, to take advantage of the
leave that I addressed to you. But this will only be if this
arrangement should be to your advantage. You
will give to Mr. de Tarlé all the orders which will be necessary to the
arrangements of your new destination.

Once arrived in St. Domingue you will give account to Mr.
de Castries of your operations as well as all the objectives
on which this minister will ask you details, and you
will execute the orders that he will send you on the part of the King: You
want to send me copies of your correspondence.

It only remains for me to speak of the funds destined later
for the expenditures of your army. I have announced to you
by my earlier dispatches that I would have two
million in specie leave in the first days of June in order
p4 to be carried to you in America. Instead of sending them to you
directly, I have just taken measures with the department
of the navy in order that these two million be delivered to the
treasuries of St. Domingue toward the end of the month of August;
if according to what will come about, your army is still at that
time on the American continent, you will charge
Mr. de Tarlé to have delivered the funds from St. Domingue.
The Treasury of this Colony will have orders to hold them at
your arrangements and his. I restrain myself from announcing
this plan for the funds to Mr. de Tarlé
in indicating to him that they were delivered to St. Domingue
because that way is perhaps as short and safer
than if the money was sent directly to America.
You will only give to this administrative officer this
part article of my dispatch, and you will guard the
greatest secret of all the rest until the moment
of execution.

Signed: Sègur

His Copy Conforms with the original