John Page, letter, September 26, 1777, to Governor Richard Caswell
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS1932.8

In Council Wms burg Septr
.26 1777


The Board having received Information that
Ocracock Inlet has been blocked up by some of the
Enemy's small Cruisers and Tenders; & it being suggested
that if the gallies which were directed to be built & fitted
out at the joint expence of North Carolina & Virginia,
or even any one of them, could be expeditiously equipped,
that important pass might be easily opened to the great
advantage of these States, & possible to the Disgrace and
Destruction of that part of the Enemy's Fleet - It is there
fore hoped that your Excellency will give such orders
in this matter as may appear to you most likely to
produce the desirable purposes just mentioned_ We have
desired Champion Travis Esquire one of the Commissioners
of the Navy to examine into the State of the Gallies at
the South Quay, & to give Directions for the immediate
Execution of what may be wanting on our part that
we may be able as soon as possible to cooperate with
your State in the most vigorous manner for our mutual
Defence _ I cannot refrain from acknowledging the
obligations I think this State is under to you Sir, for the
Orders you issued for one third of your Militia to hold
themselves in Readiness to march to our assistance on
the late alarming occasion; & to the good people of
North Carolina for the readiness they have always
showed to assist us- May an affection, and mutual
attachment between Carolina & Virginia ever increase
to the Honor & Security of the United States in general, &
of these Contiguous Sister States in particular.

Last Tuesday Evening the whole of the Enemys
Fleet which had gone up the Bay went out of our Capes.
We have received no authentic accounts, but from the

p2 Best that can be collected, we lost 6 or 8 hundred men
& the Enemy near 2000 in the action of the 11th Inst__
General Washington has received Reinforcements &
Howe has retired from the Head of Brandywine to
Wilmington. I have inclosed you the papers of the week
for your further Information- and have the Honor
to be with the highest respect

Sir, Your mo. obedt

John Page


(post paid)
His Excellency RichardCaswell
P Post
North Carolina

. Page
burg 26