February 22 1781. Instructions from the Shenandoah County Receiver, John Tipton, to Capt. George Prince
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS 1933.3


acc #155

Feb 22

In Order to carry an Act of Assembly into Execution Intituled
An Act for Supplying in the Army with Clothes, Provisions and Waggon
passed the Last October Sessions, we have formed the following In-
structions for the Receiver in each District (to witt).

You are required and authorized immediately after receiving the orders
to call together the Inhabitants of this District, you are appointed a
Receiver to the same, agreeable to an Act of Assembly pass'd for that purpose
to provide and receive the Following Articles (to witt) Two Shirts of Linnen or Cotton
One pair of Overalls, Two pair of Stockings one pair of shoes, one wool, furr or
Falt Hatt or Leather Cap. The Articles afore said to be good in their kind. Which the
County Leiutt, or Commanding Officer Shall be Judge of the same (and One good [Beef]
weighing at least Three Hundred pound weight to be judged of by Two Indifferent Per-
sons on Oath. And shall cause the same to be delivered to a Receiver within the
County, to be appointed by the Governour with advise of Counsil at such Time
and Place therein as shall be notified by the Governour. The Charge of procuring and
Delivering which shall be apportioned among the People of the District, at their sd
Meeting according to property, and in Case of Failure, The Receiver shall Lett
The Same to the Lowest Bidder as in the Case of Clothes and in like m[easure]
Lay the Expence thereof upon the District or Persons) And at a Meeting of a
Majority of the said Inhabitants the particular Contribution of each Individual
towards furnishing the said Clothes may and Shall be fixed and determined by a Ma-
jority those present Observing the Rules of Equality as near as can be, according
to property, and Such Contributions allotted to each Individual Shall be fur
nished by him or her within 35 Days after Such Meeting & deposited
in the Hands of the Person appointed to call the District together. Who is hereby
derected to receive the same, and grant Receipts for such Contributions, which
which shall Exonerate the Person to whome the are passed for so much, and the Re-
ceiver in the District shall deposit the same into the Hands of the County Leuit'-
or Commanding Officer within Ten Days after he shall receive them which shall
Exonerate such Receiver If any District shall fail to produce the Clothes
Required from it in 35- Days as aforesaid, The Receiver Shall
Lett to Lowes[t] Bidder the providing such Dificienty at Some place in the
District after five Days publick Notice thereof, and Shall Levy the expence
accruing upon the goods and Chattles of all or any of the Persons so failing
in the same Manner, as Distress for Taxes is Dericted by Law to be made by
warrant from a Justice of the Peace Directed by Law to the Sheriff or Constable
appointed for the purpose, who shall Receive the Usual Fees for making Such
p2 Distress, If the Person who is such Lowest Bidder Shall fail to produce the Clothes
within Thirty Days after his undertaking, he shall forfeit Double the Value thereof
to be recovered by warrant before a Justice on Five Days previous Notice

In case a Meeting of each District or a Majority is not Obtained after
Due Notice as aforesaid within ten Days, the Receiver Shall proceed to Lett
the furnishing the said Clothes to the Lowest Bidder, in like Manner as if Delin-
quences had happened after a Meeting and Allottment as above, and the Charge
of furnishing them, thus encreased Shall be distrained for, and the Lowest Bidder
Lyable to be prosecuted for his failure or Delinquency as above is Directed

And You are hereby Directed and required to make a full return of your proceedings at the Court House in Woodstock on Thursday the Twelfth Day of April next. Provided allways, That Five Days previous Notice of the proceedings to be had be given to such Delinquent Person or District or a Majority of the Persons concerned, by the Receiver in each District under the Pennalty of Ten Thousand Pounds of Tobacca for each Receiver, Sheriff, or Constable failing to do his Duty as herein is derected given under my hand this 22nd day of february 1781

John Tipton

To Capt george Prince

For Capt George Prince X