Elizabeth Brown, letter, March 12 1775, to William Page
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS1934.4



Dear brothers & sister

12th March 1775

These with my Kindest Love to you & all your
Dear family hoping to find you all in good health
mine is at present for my own part I am Better
Than I have been for these few years past tho forever
Expect to enjoy a good state of health for both former
& present troubles will not Let me have the Comfort
[tear] such a blessing nor do I wish to Live but on your
account which if it pleases god to grant us the -
Happiness of seeing each other once more I Coud Leave
This Troublesome Life with that peace, which the
Comfort of your Dear self deprives me of Dear brother
have had the pleasure of seeing Capt. Danby & by
him have sent you a Cheshire Cheese of 58 lbs & half I
mention the weight because if anything should
happen to the case it is put in you may not have it
[tear]changed the small the [illegible] I hope it will Be
acceptable to you for using your own word, Nothing
gives me more pleasure than to Contribute to your
satisfaction, I woud have paid the Charges of sending
it to you but Capt.an Danby Refused taking anything
for it & By his knowledge of your'self & family Leaves
Me without a Doubt that he is a worthy friend I have
sent a Letter by him also both which I trust will Come
safeley to you Dear Brother I Coud fill a Volume but
Multiplicity of thoughts obliges me to sum all up
to a Wish for the sight of you which god grant
While my never Ceasing prayers shall be answered
Been for that Happy Day
Your Nephews and also my Little Neice & I Remain
Your affectionate sister till Death, Eliz.th Brown

Dear brother I beg you will write as soon as this Comes
To hand My Husband joins, in Love & my Daughter
In Duty to you )

acc #56

Mr. Willm Page to be Left at the
Rawley Tavern in Williamsburg

IN Virginia