Isaac Zane, letter, July 1, 1776, to Benjamin Williams
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS1935.1

July 1, 1776

Respected Friend

I Receiv'd here this day week, we expected to
have done our Business yesterday, or at least so much as
to be able to adjourn, but finding more than expected shall
be detained a few days longer - we have form'd a plan
of government, which is pretty much like the one herewith
sent, tho' some considerable alterations - the one establis'd
was only pass'd yesterday, & is not yet printed_In con
sequence of which, the Convention have choosen Patrick
Henry, Governor, & a Privy Councill _ the Governor Dunmore is still
at Gueyns Island _ what other News is stirring the [berries]
can inform them _ only a small Vessell say pilot Boat that went to
Martinico about 5 Weeks ago to carry the Account of In
Dependence, has return'd & says th- French are much plea
she brought 15 Bolts of Oznabrigs, 500 powder & 200 half ton
&sold the Waggon & 4 Horses for £15 but Bought a
very dear tho' good Horse for £50 - I have purchas'd a set
of Exchange of James Madison for £ 180 Sterg. At 30 days seg
on Clay holding & pany of Liverpool they share _ 4 Bills
in the Lett. of same Tenor & date first of which I sent of to John Pen
=burton yesterday by post - which charge him with.
I likewise bought, 2 other sch drawn by William Moore
one sets for £ 58 sterg. drawn on the same as the above [torn]
p2 Persons- & ditto sight, which are edow'd by Joseph Jones of King
George County - the other sett drawn by William Moore
is for £ 47 sterg. at same Light and date viz. 27th Inos. at the above
on John Backhouse of Liverpool. "& endow'd as above _ they cost me £42p
ct advance" & advance _ which enter _ Likewise Cr. Martin Pickets
£10_ & Col. James Madison by his son James _ £20
Likewise acced Schull waggonage _ I have purchased 3 pairs
gr patterns of Morea of Henry Mitchell _ & 3 Lanthorns-
& sundry other articles paid for to £ 9. add - which is
paid for as & Bill after which I bought 16 I think pieces gar
ments of shalloon &c_ which are to be ready against I
July 1st return - I herewith send the proceedings of Convention
as far as printed, likewise the last paper there are a
very large order for Balls, but those of the patterns sent are to
be first-done, they are as mark'd on the Boards_ & the Quarter
Master General has directed the should be sent to Falmouth or
Hunter Ferry to be detained James Hunter who will give
a receipt for them __ BenjaFaurett brings 4 patterns for
18.. & 12.. & 6 a 4 & 2 Pounder Pounders which are to be forwarded as fast
As possible as they will be much wanted _ pray do all in your
Power to have coal & car _ I am in hopes of being home in about
7 or 8 days _ let no reasonable expense be spar'd to have stock procur'd_
I would have [torn] send the Journals & papers to Ed. McGwin for
p3 the perusal of the People in Town _ I have sent up some advertisements
for White who' I hope is taken before now _ in haste

I am your
assured Friend

Isaac Zane

"Williamsburg Mandale July 1st, 1776

Benj. Williams or John Groudson -


Benjamin Williams or
John Croudson at
Marlb[o]ro's Iron Works
Fawcett } Frederick

Isaac Zane's Letter
To John Croudson