Bill of Lading for Peyton Randolph's Tobacco 1773 December 12
CWF Rockefeller Library, Special Collections - SCMS 1936.3


P[illegible]R N 1 to 4

SHipp'd by the Grace of God, in good Order, and well Condition'd, by Payton ---
Randolph Esqr --- in and upon the good Ship called the Argo -----
---------- whereof is Master, under God, for this present
Voyage, ---------- James Mitchell ----- and now Riding at Anchor in the
River Rappahannock --- and by God's Grace, bound for London --- to say
Four Hhd of Tobo
being mark'd and number'd as in the Margent, and are to be delivered in the like good Order,
and well Condition'd, as the aforefaid Port of London ------- (the Danger of the Seas
only excepted) unto Mssrs Jono Norton & Son ------------
or to there --- Assigns, he or they paying Freight for the said Goods At the Rate of
Eight Pounds Sterling pr Ton ----------
with Primage and Average accustom'd. In witness whereof the Master or Purser of the said Ship
hath affirm'd to Two Bills of Lading, all of this Tenor and Date; the one of which two
Bills being accomplish'd, the other One to stand void. And so God send the good Ship
her desired Port in fafety. Amen. Dated in Virginia the 6 Decr 1773 -----
James Mitchell

Impost & [illegible]
Not paid. ------

Printed for, and Sold by JAMES HENLEY, Stationer, in Broad-Street, Ratcliff.