Thomas Everard's Shipping Receipt for 1774-05-20
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS1936.3.105.04


E N. 1 [a] C

Impost nor [illegible]ocket

Shipped by the Grace of God, in good Order, and well conditioned, by
Mr. Thomas Everard
in and upon the good Ship called the Virginia
whereof is Master, under GOD, for this present Voyage, Howard Esten
and now riding at Anchor in York River and by God's Grace bound for London to say:
Six Hogheads Tobacco
being marked and numbered as in the Margin, and are to be delivered in the like good Order
and well conditioned, at the aforesaid Port of London (the Danger
of the Seas only excepted) unto Messrs. Jn. Norton & Son
or to Their assigns, he or they paying Freight for the said Goods, at Eight pounds sterling,
to Ten
with Primage and Average accustomed.
In witness whereof the Master or Purser of the said Ship hath affirmed to Two
Bills of Lading, all of this Tenour and Date, the one of which two -----
Bills being
accomplished, the other _________ to stand void. And so GOD send the good Ship to her
desired Port, in Safety. Amen. Dated in Virginia 20th May 1774.

Howard Esten


