Letter from Thomas Everard to John Norton, 1770-07-30
CWF Rockefeller Library, Special Collections - SCMS 1936.3


Dear Sir,

Inclosed are two bills amounting to £103..18..4
which you will be pleased to apply to my credit. I have drawn
upon you in favour of my brother for £13..11..6 and of Mr . Robert
Bunn for £11..11..- and must request the favour of you to pay them
on sight. By Capt. Robertson you will receive 4 hogsheads of Tobo
He will sail soon and then shall write to you again. I am

Dear Sir
Your obliged hble sert

Thos Everard

Wms burgh 30 July 1770


Virginia July 30th 1770
Thomas Everard
recd 12th Septr Exd
Answd 14th do p[er] Doctr Blair
in Capt . Hamilton

wrot again p[er] Goosley