September 24, 1770 - Letter, Thomas Dixon to John Norton
CWF Rockefeller Library, Special Collections - SCMS 1936.3


Stapleton - near Bristol
Septr ye 24th 1770

Mr John Norton


I hope I may wish you joy of your
ship, Brilliant, safe arrival — I had two letters
on board her, which are not come to hand —
& also two Hhds of Tobacco to yr address which
you will dispose of to the best advantage
for me. — I should be glad to know if any
are going soon from your Port to Virga or Mary
-Land — I hope you have received a letter from
my Brother John, that came by me. He was
a good deal embarrassd abt getting his Tobacco on
board yr ships. He intended 20 Hhds . to goe on bd
the Brilliant — but could get but 4, & 4 on bd of
Captn Lilly, & 8 on bd Captn . Gooseley — which
were all shipt — 4 Hhds. Captn Lillys Craft left
out at Falmouth — I hope you & family are well
my best Respects to Mrs Norton & am sir with
due Respect yr most H Servt

Thos Dixon

I sent a £50 bill of my
Brothers for acceptance which
I hope will meet with Honour (turn over)