MS36.03: John Norton and Sons Papers
Letter from Thomas Everard to John Norton, 1771-07-20

Virginia 20 July 1771
Thomas Everard
Recd : 12 September
Ansd . 14 D
via Danby
wrote again the 7 Dec 1771
via Justitia


Dear Sir,

By Capt. Goosley you will receive two Hhds
Tobacco he had two more sent him but for want of room they are
retarded and will be put on board Capt. Robinson when he arrives.
I have shipped on board Capt Walter of the Randolph five Hhds.
more these were made at my own Plantation upon fresh lands in
Brunswick and I hope will sail the London In [illegible] he is expected to
sail in about three weeks being greatly delayed in his loading
by the loss of the Tobacco in the James River fresh.

The assembly are this day Prorogued they
have voted a Marble Statue to be Erected to the Memory of
our late Worthy Governor Lord Botetourt which Resolution
I am well satisfied will be much approved of by the whole Colony
for other Public Matters I must refer you to the Gazettes
sent to Mr Horrocks to whom I beg you will Deliver the
Packet herewith sent.

I am, Dear Sir
Your friend and very hble. ser:

Thos . Everard

20 July 1771


Mr. John Norton
Merchant in