Letter from James Minzies to John Norton dated June 12, 1773
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS1936.3.85.03


Williamsburg 12th. June 1773.


Inclosed is a letter from Lord Dunmore
with the Invoice of Several things for his Lordship
and his familys use. I have inclosed the Colours of
the Cloath &c for his Lordship, also Patterns of the
Cloath &c for his Servants. I hope you will if possible
send them in time that we may not be under the
necessity of buying their winter Cloathing here.

Inclosed is also a list of things for Mrs. Scott
which his Lordship desires may be sent and charged to
his Acct. She informs me that she has wrote to a woman
in London whom she expects will call upon you and save
you the trouble of buying them.

His Lordship has desired you to call on
Mr. Stephens for some passes, I wish they were sent
soon having only two now remaining in the office, and
they will be very much in demand soon. The Passes
we have had his Lordship accounted with Mr. President
John Norton Esqr. p2 Nelson for them, having received them from him on
his Arrival in this Colony, the register of which
will be transmitted to Mr. Stephens when they are
all issued. You will please to pay Mr. Stephens
for those you receive from him and charge it to
Lord Dunmores Acct.

I am Sir
Your Most Obedient
humble Servant

James Minzies

PS. Mrs. Anderson is the
woman that Mrs. Scott expects will call
upon you to buy her things.


Virga . 12 June 1773
James Menzies
Recd . 23 July
Goods Entd .
Ansd . The 24 July
pr Capt. Barron