Letter from Thomas Everard to John Norton, 1773-10-02
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMO1936.3.96.02


Dear Sir

This serves to cover Bill of Lading for six hogsheads of
Tobacco, consigned you by Capt. Power, and to convey Invoice of
such necessaries my family will soon be in want of; You will
be pleased to send them by one of your Ships next Spring.

By Capt Esten I wrote to my Brother, and sent him
an Account of Mr. Horrocks's Estate, by which he, with your
Assistance, will be enabled to Settle with Mr. Thos. Horrocks
for his part of the Estate, and to pay him his part in Signing
a Bill of Sale for the Slaves; this I could wish, you would pay
some Attention to, and have done without loss of time.

I have, after much altercation, and to get rid of an
Old avaricious troublesome Body, agreed to give Mr. Willis
£ 25 for the Honour Mr. Horrocks did him, in appointing him
to Act as Deputy Commissary so that I hope the Bishop will
hear no more of this trifling Affair.

My poor Dear Fanny H. has has been very ill for two or
three months past, the great heat of the Summer almost over
powered her, and reduced her greatly, the weather is now fine and
pleasant and gives us some hopes of her recovery; She desires in
the tenderest manner to be remembered to her very good friend
Mrs. Norton. With pleasure I congratulate you on the increase
of your family by the Birth of a Grand-Daughter. I am very truly

Dear Sir

Your obliged friend and hble Servt.

Thos . Everard
2 October 1773

Mr John Norton
Invoice of Goods for T. Everard 2 October 1773
3 ps. Oznabs. and 2 ps. Hempen Roles
1 ps. blue Plains, 1 ps. dark Fustain, 1 ps. Rushia Drab
2 doz: pair Strong Yarn hose for Men
½ doz: pair boys Do, ½ doz: pr. Strong Worsted for Negro Men
1 doz: pair Mens Cotton bose at abt. [illegible]6/ middle size
2 doz: pair Womens Do. at abt: 4/6 Do
2 doz: pair Womens black Cal: Shoes (fives) those sent by Davis did not wear well very bad
1 doz: pair Strong Shoes for Negro Men
1 ps. Cambrick at abt: £ 3
1 ps. Super fine white Callico
1 ps. India Silk handkerchiefs
1 ps. Long Lawn Pocket Handkerchiefs
2 pr. black Silk breeches Pattern or anything that will wear better [tear]
Garters and buttons
A Womans black flowered Sattin Cloak and Bonnet
½ lb black and White Sewing Silk
½ lb Do. Light Colour
4 [lb] Oznabrigs thread 2 [lb] blue thread
1 pair Super fine large blankets
1 Copper Kettle abt. 36 Gallons. 1 Copper pan to remove fire Coals
1 Shovel pr. tongs and Poker-2 Pewter Close stool pans large
4 [lbs] Pins different sorts, 500 White Chappel 1000 Comon Needles
2 Wheat Sives brass wire, 1 doz: Meal Sifters - 6 Searches
6 Mopps 6 Scrubbing brushes 6 Hair brooms 2 Hearth Do.
6 Shoe brushes different sorts
100 feet window Glass - 11 Inches by 9 ½
8 [lb] Hyson Tea, 6 [lb] Pepper, ½ [lb] Mace ¼ [lb] Cloves 1 [lb] Nutmegs
25 [lb] Salt Petre, 4 [lb fig blue]
2 [lb] Magnesia 1 [lb] best Jesuits bark powdered 4 oz. Rhubard powdered
4 oz. Jalop powdered, 4 oz. Ippecacunaha powdered
2 Ream whited brown paper. 1 Ream Pro Patria
Books. Spiritual Quixote printed for J Dodsley. Letters on the improvement of the Mind for J. Walker Charing Cross. Essay on the Character Manners and Genius p3 of Women in different ages enlarged from the French-Printed for G. Robinson Pater Noster Row.

Messrs John Norton & Son
Merchants in

Virga . 2 Octo . 1773
Thos. Everard
Recd 20 Decr .
Goods Entd pa: 295
Ansd . the March
p[er] Robertson.