John Norton Letter to John Hatley Norton dated April 10, 1767
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS 1936.3-0051


Londn . the 10th April 1767.-

My Dear Hatley.

I have this day recd your kind letter of yesterdays date givg
us an Acct of your getting safe to Ramsgate I am much at a loss
for ye key of my desk in the Counting house with a little reed tyed
to it wch you had the Night before you left us & cant be found, am
obliged to break open ye desk if you find it pray send it by ye Pylot.
I don't remember you told me whether all ye wine bought of
Blydestein amount to £18.3--& a Jar of Raisons & some almonds
of Andrews were for yr Ships Stores or any part of it for yr passage
the Surplus of ye hyson tea is charged to me [@]44 & hope wt yr allowce
will hold out more it must be sold for my Acct & if any of our
Correspondts should want any for their family use, Mr. Waller,
Everard, Wythe, Nicholas, Ambler, &c. &c, &c. you may lett them
have it at ye Cost & they order me to charge them wt ye same
or pay yo for it I shoud be glad of a few pound by Andersons return
if he can bring it. I offerd to pay Capt. Anderson for Mr. Smiths
Passage, as he desird by a Note Left on my Desk, but ye Captain
declared he wou'd take nothing & refused, I gave him ye hamper
of Madeira wch was put onto the Ship. I have pd him £12.12-
for you and the same for Mr. Smith to buy Stock &ca. As you left me
no directions from Mr. Smith about Jones's Bill for £150-
as Mr. Smith never Accepted the same in writing, I was obliged
to write to Jones & enclose it, however the Captain has ye letter
single & I desird him to give it to Mr. Smith. I have mentioned to
him if he desires if he desires to have it paid, that he wou'd accept it & send it to me, with his order at ye bottom of ye Bill for paymt
in the violent hurry we were in at Andersons departure there
was two mistakes to Mr. Smiths disadvantage in his Acct. Current have made out
another and inclos it to him. Ballc £662.4.5 so will desire
him to destroy the letter other. We are well pleasd that yo took
a French leave as it saved a good deal of pain & uneasyness
on both sides. I was taken with a bilious Vomiting ye morning
you sat off but am now by help of Daddy Prowting Rhubard
& Magnetia I thank God quite well. we propose to make a little
Excursion in the Country in a few days. Your Mother has sent
the bunch of keys yo left by Anderson w some parcells & if you
[h]ave the key of your desk in the Counting house yo may as well
[se]nd it. We all wish yo health & happyness & a pleasant passage
p2 in which Mr. Wilkinson joins us

I remain
My Dear Hatley's
Ever Affectionate

John Norton

The India Directors have
beat ye MaleContents to the
joy of JW not one of them
had the luck to gett in Yr Friend
Cap. Hitchen was one of the Defeated
in Sullivans List.-


Mr. Jno Hatley Norton
Bound to Virga in the Rachel & Mary
Capt Wm Anderson
to be Left at Mr Wm Ansells
or Capt Smiths
at Ramsgate
in Kent

London 10th Apr: 1767
Recd from JN
Sepr . 1767 Coppy
Answer'd fully p Capt
Lilly Novr 1767
This Letter has been
answered in part
long ago-