John Norton letters to John Hatley Norton dated May 10, 1767 and May 19, 1767
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS 1936.3-0054


London the 10th May 1767

Dear Hatley

I wrote you & intended it p[er] Capt. Wilkinson he told
Me on Change he was goig to Gravesend himself that Afternoon that
Mr. Athawes's Youngest son wd follow him ye Evening after
With all his Letters & if mine were sent any time in ye Fore=
=noon they wd be soon enough but instead thereof when I went
With them to Mr . Athawes's house in ye Morng I found he went
Down ye Night Tide so they were left & those sent p[er] post to Rams=
=gate it being a bye Post did not get there till Monday Noon & they
were left also as I expected & have been since retd to me you have them
by this Opporty which is Mr Ballard passenger in Capt Littell
bound to Jas River. In lookg over Matters since the Ship sailed
I find by Mr . Barwick's neglectg to make out 2 Bills Pp[ar]'cells 1 for
Colo Edwd Digges ye other Mr . John Perrin for each a ps Silk which
your Mother bot for her own wearg but substituted them instead
of those they orderd neither of them have been chad in their Invoices
I have wrote them of it & must charge them accordg ly, also Mr.
Barwick has added his Bill of P[]cells for Mr. Prentis's Goods
£10-short at least Mr Prentis is charg'd £10-too little
for the same in his Invoice, have since chad him with ye Error
& by this Opporty advis'd him of it. We are all much as you
left us, your Mother has been to Whitfield's Tabernacle & satisfied
her curiousity she seem'd much disappointed his Oratory fell greatly
short of her Expectations. I have done little in ye Tobo way since I
wrote have sold only 10 hh'ds of Sticky Stript Leaf to [Grote] & Co a
3d ye 36 hh'ds sold [Lyde] of Stript Leaf prov'd in genl very rotten on
delivery old Mr. Hodgkin took 900 to Allowce & wd hardly agree to
take them at that many hh'ds turned out rotten quite thro' they
p2 belonged to Mr Benj: Herndon, Geo: Holloway, Hy Hill, Geo: Brooke
& Wm Thomson. I have got off ye Leaf of that Stamp to Andrews
& Co . & Sayer on pretty good terms except ye hh'd DVN which was
so bad I let him have it at 2 1/8 withot allowce I have only 37 hh'ds
Leaf & 18 hh'ds Stript of Anderson's Cargo & 80 of Lilly's &10 P[er] odd ships
unsold many of them by Lilly being new I fear will stick on hand
but ye old Tobo I am not much afraid of as most of the Merchts
have cleared their Warehouses. Lilly has put up his Ship at ye coffee
house to sail this mo p[er] him probably you'll hear from me again
at p[re]sent remain with all our good wishes to you & Frds in Virga

Dear Hatley
Yours Affectionately

PS. I have pd ye greatest part of}
the Tradesmen & hope ye remaing
will be so before ye Week expires


London ye 19 May 1767

Dear Hatley

Capt Littell being detained longer than he expected gives
me an Opporty of addg a few more Lines just to advise you we are all
well Mc Nabb & Fox are just arriv'd but have no Letters of any
Conseqa by them. The Market is rather stiffned for good Tobo
but ye Arrivl of these 2 Ships will not I suppose help it much
I have lately sold Clarke & Leake 6 hh'ds Stript Leaf [3 at 10/4d & 3 at]
[torn]0 also 5 hh'ds at Rq . Vaux 4 Stem'd 2 J:Baylo'rs / EWD
& 1 Mr . Nelson Berkeley's at 3 ½d ye other a hh'd of Leaf PP
at 3 also Fonblanque & Co . 30 odd hh'ds pt out of Anderson's
Ship at 2 7/8d & pt out of Lilly at 2 5/8d also 8 hh'ds Shag tobo to
Croger I hope to get a 2 ¾ d for ye remainr of the Shippers in Anderson
thô have not been offerd as yet more than [@] 2 5/8 for them they are
neither dry nor Stout. Mr. Baylor has 1 hh'd unsold 'tis as grey p3 as a Badger & great part of it appears by ye Sample to be perish'd. Mr . Peter Lyons &
some others are in same State. I must endeavor to get them off
before warm Weather comes on, very little appearce of Sumer as
yet We have not been at Putney but have thots of goe:g soon. I shall
be prepare:g To get ye Accot Sales made out & expect shall send
them all or near it in a Mo . or 6 Weeks if any opporty Abot
that time, to be sure they are far from being equal to my Wishes
but still I think they will at least be as good as my Neighbrs
for Tobo of ye same Quality. I believe ye Crop will come to a pretty
dear Market there being very little old on hand. Wm . Hill has
not yet rec'd Mr Nelson's Tobo which is abominable tho it can't be
helped Mr . Maxwell has not pd Mr . Page's Bill remittg p[er]
Mr. Prentis thô the days are expired he tells me if there is Effects when
the Leeds Anderson arrives he will let me know whether he will pay
it or not & desires me to keep it 'till that time, 'tis noted properly.
When ye [nt .] P[ro]ceeds of the Tobo are entd to ye Credit of those to whom
they belong shall make out a List of Drs . & send you there has
been abot 4000 hh'ds Virga & Maryld Tobo sold ye French at this
Port at 2 1/8d am inform'd ye Glasgow People are now sellg them a 1 15/16
which is a despicable Price. Mr. Jno Frere is just come to Town &
has a Lodggs in ye Strand, his Flame is expected soon from Bath
Our best Wishes attend you & all Fr'ds. in Virga .

I remain
Dr. Hatley
Yours Affectionately,

John Norton

Capt. Lilly talks of sailg. in abot
10 days shall probably write you
again by him-

There is this Moment presentd to me for
Acceptce a Bill drawn by Mr Smith datg 20th
Augst last for £305.1.6 paya to Mr Pride there is no Letter of advice
neither did Mr Smith in all the conversation we had together ever
mention a word abot it or propose any provision for Paymt of it by p4 its being kept back so long I cant think but Mr Smith may have
agreed with Mr Pride that ye Bill shd not be sent home & that
he was to pay it at his Return in Virga I am at a Loss to guess &
therefore Mr Smith cant blame me for its being retd -when ye
days are out There has been a Man in ye Minories call'd on
me & demanded Paymt for a Matrass near £3-but yr Mother
& Mr Withers think they heard Mr. Smith say he had paid for it
Shou'd be glad you wd enquire & let me know. The Leeds Anderson
is just arriv'd-

London 10th & 19th May
John Norton
Recd the Sepr 1767
Answered fully p
Capt . Lilly Novr 1767
This has been answer'd
[In] part some time --