John Robinson Letter to John Norton & Sons dated February 7, 1777
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS1936.3-1380


Virga Febry 7th 1777-

Messrs John Norton & Sons Gentn

As the unhappy differences between-
Great Britain and the Colonies will for sometime prevent my
having any dealings with your house, or, indeed I may say any
part of the British Dominions, have thought proper to draw
on you in favr of Mr. Paul Bascome for fifty eight pounds nine
shillings and seven pence sterling, being the ballce due from-
you to me, wch I hope you will Honr and make paiment,

I am,
Your most Humble Servant

John Robinson


Messrs John Norton and Sons
Merchts in

Virgaa 7th Febry 1777
John Robinson
Recd 10th May

Dr £ 46.12.7}Balance due
Cr 73.2.2} £26.9.7
To much_ [illegible] draw } 32_ _
Ret to JHN Jan 9 1775} _ _
Ansd 26. August 1777
Via Holland