May 20 1779. Letter from Governor Patrick Henry to John Rogers
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS 1937.4


Wmsburg May 20th 1779 ~


A confidential officer (Captn Thomas Upshaw) is
sent by me to assist in collecting the 26 prisoners brought
by you from the Illinois, to Chesterfield Courthouse there
to stay 'til further orders from me, and Captn Upshaw is
directed to stay with them til those orders reach him ~

As soon as the Captn. & yourself have collected the
aforesaid Prisoners to the above mentioned place & fixed
a strong guard over them which the County Lieutenant
of Henrico is directed to furnish, you will be pleas
ed to repair without further Delay to this place, bringing
with you all the Letters & papers in your possession
respecting them, especially the Articles of capitulation
(if any)

I am yr . mos Obedt hble servt .~

P. Henry

The Office of ye Guard over
the prisoners from Illinois }

Governor Henrys.

20 May 1779
To Jno. Rogers

Govnrs Letter

acc #98