MS43.04: Francis Nicholson Papers
House of Burgesses letter to Queen Anne 1703 April 10

No 4

To ye Queen's most excellent Majesty
The humble Address of ye House of Burgesses of yor
Majtys Colony and Dominion of Virginia.
May it please Your Majty

As ye great and wonderfull successes of ye Arms
of your Majty and your Allies, against ye Enimys of yor Majty,
your people, and ye true and holy protestant Religion, have
renderd ye beginning of yor Majtys reign prosperous and glorious
to yor royal self, and your people; so must ye hearts of all yor
Majtys faithfull subjects be full charged with gratitude
to ye divine Providence for those Signal Blessings vouchsa-
fed to yor Majty, and for ye happy influences of yor most
gracious Reign: therefore we your Majtys most dutifull and
loyal subjects ye Burgesses in ye general Assembly of your
Colony and Dominion of Virginia, convened, doe most
humbly presume to congratulate your Majty upon this
occasion, and to represent to yor Majty our most dutifull and
fervent Zele for ye service of yor sacred person & governmt.

We are very sensible of ye happiness yt we and all yor
Majtys Subjects doe injoy under your royal Protection, &
we hope yt none of yor good Subjects will ever fail of making
suitable returns of their duty and obedience.

And for our selves, we doe most humbly assure your
Majty, yt we will upon all occasions signalize our fide-
lity and loyalty to yor Majty, as far as our poor Circum-
stances will enable us to doe it.

But since ye benign Influences of mercy and Compassion
doe far excell ye most glorious Lustre of ye greatest military At-
chievements; and since yor Majty is not only or powerfull De-
fendr against forreign Enimys, but our mercifull Deliverer
from all other misfortunes; therefore we humbly hope
yor Majty will be graciously pleasd to pardon us, when by
reason of our poverty and necessity we shall not be capable
of performing such Actions as might best testify ye syncere
and zealous loyalty of or hearts.

(2)p2 His Excellency Francis Nicholson Esqr. your Majtys Lieu-
tenant and Governor general of this your Colony and Dominion of
Virginia, having laid before us your Majtys royal Commands,
requiring a Contribution of money, and a quota of men (or mo-
ney in lieu thereof) towards ye defence of yor Provinse of New York;

In answer thereto having first made our most humble at-
knowledgements for yor Majtys Grace and Goodness to us, in proceeding
with us in so parlimentary a way, whereby we have an oppor-
tunity of laying ye true state of our Case before yor Majty; we pre-
sume to represent to yor Majty, yt his late Majty of glorious me-
mory, in ye 12th. Year of his Reign, by his royal Letters did signify his
pleasure, yt we should make a like Contribution of men and money
for ye assistance of New York; upon consideration whereof, in a general
Assembly held in ye 13th. Year of his Reign, we did humbly repre-
sent to his Majty ye true state of this Dominion, and of ye Provinse of
New York; whereby it appeared yt ye great Charges ye Country was then
burthenned with, made it impossible for us to comply with his Majtys
Commands: And by reason of ye Many Inconveniences yt would
necessarily ensue, it was not for ye interest or service of his Majty, that
we should fournish ye men & money required of us: All which proceed-
ings are hereunto annexed; and since ye same reasons continue, yt are
therein mentioned; We humbly pray your Majtys gracious considera-
tion thereof.

And moreover we humbly presume to add, yt now yor Majty is
actually engaged in a War with France and Spain, we are
more exposed to danger than before. For when their ships sail
through ye Gulph of Florida towards Europe, they keep a great
way along our Coasts, and may easily put into our Harbours, and
insult our poor, open, defenseless Country at pleasure, and we shall
not be able to defend our selves.

It is a great Affliction to us, yt it is not in our power to perform
what yor Majty is pleased to require of us: But since our unhappy
Circumstanses doe make us incapable of giving any greater Testi-
monys of our Zele for yor Majtys service, than by this Address,—
therefore We humbly pray your Majtys favorable acceptanse &
consideraton of this true representaton of or Case; and yt You will be
graciously pleased to supersede yor Commands for any Contribution of
(3)p3 men or money to new York from this poor Country which is
in more want of assistanse our selves, than capable to give it to
others. And as in duty bound, we shall ever pray yt yor Majestys
Reign over us, may be long and prosperous, as ye beginning of it
hath been successfull and glorious

April 10th. 1703.

May it please yor Majty
Your Majtys most Loyal
Dutifull and obedient Subjects

Peter Beverley Speaker
Wm. RandolphMiles Cary
Fran: EpesRobt. Hubbard
Richrd. BlandTho. Barbar
Joshua Wynne Tho. Ballard
Ar: Smith John West
Tho: Giles Tho. WestRichard Haynid
Thos: Swann Wm: Leighs John Harris
Hen. Jenkins Wm BirdCha. Ashton
James Willson Tully RobinsonHenry Ashton
Thos: Hodges James Ransone Richd Moore
Edwrd. Moseley E. CorbinRichd Fassake
Adam Thorrogood Edwin Thacker
B. Harrison Junr Nath. Harrison
Geo: MarrableWm. Edwards
Anthony Armsted James Boughan
Jo: Newton Richd. Covington
James Mosse Wm. Robinson
R. Drumond David Gwyn
Benja: Nottingham John Turberville
Jacob Johnson Wm. Ball