MS43.04: Francis Nicholson Papers
Col. Robert Quarry letter to [Bishop of London?], 15 October 1703


Right Honble: & Rt: Revd:

I have been honored with two Lett:rs from your Lordship since my
return to America, which gives me ye satisfaction of knowing yt some
of my Lett:rs are got safe to yo:r hands but am very much concerned yt I
should be mistaken or misinformed in any representacon yt I have made
to yo:r Lordsp I am sure it hath and ever shall be ye utmost of my care to
represent nothing to yo:r Lordsp but true matt:r of fact however I will
always lay my hand on my mouth when I have ye misfortune to differr
in opinion from your Lordship:

Perhaps his Excellcy requiring Mr:
Comissry: Blair to discharge ye duty of his sev:ll Offices may by him be
called giving ye first occasion of ye difference but allowing that ye
Gov:r had really given some offence to ye Comiss:ry ought he not to have
had some reguard to those many fav:rs & obligations which ye Gov:r
hath in so eminent a manner Laid on him? ought he not to have consi-
dered ye Peace and quiet of ye Governm:t in which by yo:r Lordsps and his
Excellcys fav:rs he is placed in one of ye highest stations: but if these
had no weight with him yet one would think yt ye Peace tranquility &
happyness of ye Church should so far influance him as to make him
sacrifize his private Interest revenge & resentm:ts to ye publick good of
yt wch: by so many tyes and obligations he is bound to preferr before all other
consideracons in this world how far he acquitted himself like a Christian
or a true son of yt holy Church or rather how contrary to its true Interest
he hath acted I will leave yo:r Lordsp to judge after I have laid some
true matt:rs of fact before you And in ye first place I will beg leave
to acquaint yo:r Lordsp yt some time before I went last for England—
the difference betwixt his Excellcy and Mr: Comiss:ry Blair was unhappily
improved to a great hight I always had a great honr: and respect for M:r Blair
so yt our conversation and friendship still continued he entertained me—
often with complaints against y:e Gov:r and ye efects of his Passion he
always took care to deliver what he said as ye sence and opinion rather
of others ye Genll: voyce of ye Country then his own but yt I may be—
more pticular one day he and my self went to dine with Mr: Fouace
p2 in ye way he was pleased to entertain me with ye state of ye Country he told
me how happy ye Gov:r had been in ye Love and esteem of ye People whilst—
he followed his and ye rest of his friends advice and gave me pticular instances
of his gaining all points both in Council & Assembly But yt since by his—
morross carrage & violent Passions he had disobliged and lost his Friends and
Interest in ye Council Assembly & generally ye whole body of ye People were
prejudiced ag:t him to yt degree yt they were ready for an Insurrection—
or rebellion yt nothing prevented it but ye Interest and prudence of some
Gent: yt were ye Comiss:rys friends he did represent ye state of ye Country to
be so very desperate as if it wanted only setting fire to ye train to blow
up ye whole Governm:t in ruin and confusion this dismal relation did——
extreamly affect me however I gave allowance for prejudice which I found to
be very great in ye Comiss:ry besides I could see no foundation for this Gun-
powder Plot and therefore was resolved nicely to inquire into ye bottom of
this business wch accordingly I did without taking ye least notice of it to the
Gov:r and I do assure yo:r Lordsp yt ye further I enquired into ye truth of
this matt:r ye less reason I found to beleive any part of it Some time after
this being in Virg:a and finding all things go on very smooth betwixt his
Excellcy and ye Assembly and a general satisfaction through ye whole Country
I took occasion to discourse M:r Comiss:ry Blair and told him what a great
satisfaction it was to me to see such a very good understanding betwixt ye Govr:
and all ye sevll: parts of ye Governm:t through out ye whole Province this was a
truth so evident yt it left no room for deniall so he was pleased to own it
but withal told me yt this great change in ye temper & affections of the
Assembly ye Council and almost all People towards ye Gov:r was occasioned
purely by his late extrodinary kind affable and obliging behaviour to them
so contrary to his former treatment of them and yt now he had gained the
hearts of ye Country That no Govr yt ever was had a greater art to gain
ye affections of ye People then he had if he would please to make use of it
with abundance of more circumstances too tedious to trouble yo:r Lordship
with for my part I do solemnly declare yt by all ye nice observation I
could make I saw no such change or alteracon in ye Gov:rs temper humor
or carrage to produce such a suden turn in ye minds & affections of the
People as Mr. Comiss:ry was pleased to affirm but he had no other way to
p3 come off or excuse ye malicious falce representacon which he had made
to me. I must own to yo:r Lordsp yt this gave me such an impression
of ye Comiss:ys spirit & temper yt I could not have so good an esteem for
him as I had before it was evident to me yt his wishes & endeavours were
to reduce this Goverm:t to yt miserable state which he had falcely repre-
sented yt it was in how this can be reconciled to ye Charecter of a Gent:
a Christian much less a Clergy man in so very eminent a Post in the
Church I must leave yo:r Lordsp to judge and now my Lord give me leave
to assure you by all yt is sacred to a Christian yt what I have here——
represented to yo.r Lordship is truth which elce I would not affirm for
ye value of ten thousand worlds and I do further assure yo:r Lordsp that no
consideracon less than a due reguard for ye Peace quiet and security of the
Church and state in North America and yt of yo:r Lordsps unspoted honr:
should have made me give yo:r Lordsp this repeated trouble had ye ill effects
of M:r Blairs rude & barbarous treatmt: of his Excellcy been only confined
to ye Limits of Virg:a yo:r Lordsp should have had ye representation of it
from other pens not from me but since 'tis become ye subject of the
Civil Magistrate as well as of ye Clergy in all ye Goverm:ts on ye Main.
I thought it my duty to lay it before yo:r Lordsp and to acquaint you
with what is ye gen:ll discourse & notion of ye best sort of men on this
occasion Some are pleased to say what can't an English Church and
Clergy under an English established Goverm:t be governed with:t a Scotch
Comiss:ry being set over them this is worse then Dutch and French Officers
over an English Army can't our Universitys and ye whole Kingdome—
aford and English man qualifyed to preside over our Clergy without being
forced to send a Scotch man especially since there is four hundred pounds
Sterlg: to support an English Gent: duely qualified for those Places Others
are pleased to say yt ye Scotch have already ingrossed almost all ye Trade
of these parts of ye world and must they govern our Church too must
those yt never were true sons of ye Church become Rulers and almost
fathers of it this will quickly spott and blemish ye most pure and best
Church in ye world Others do heartily wish, and pray yt yo:r Lordship
may not send any more scotch Clergy amongst them those that are
now with them will fare ye worse for their Country-mans behaviour
p4 to Gov:r Nicholson. The Civil Magistrate they seem to fear least
ye factious Scoth Spirit should diffuse it self into ye more Northern
Provinces and disturb ye quiet of those Goverments and therefore do hope
yt no Scotch shall ever share with them

Thus I have taken ye freedome
to lay before yo:r Lordsp some few hints should I be pticular it would.
fill many sheets and tyre yo:r Lordship which obliges me to contract this—
Subject. And now my Lord give me leave to say yt as no man living—
can have a greater concern and true reguard for ye Peace Prosperity—
and happyness of both Church & state than yo:r Lordsp hath which is a
truth allowed by all yt have either known or but heard of yo:r Lordship
so give me leave to say yt never any man had such an oppertunity put
into his hands to secure & preserve both through all ye Goverm:ts of North-
America as yo:r Lordsp now hath by discouraging & discountenancing—
Mr: Comissry Blair in all his malicious attempts and designes against—
his Excellcy Gov:r Nicholson This will effectually root up all ye seeds of
faction in this Goverm:t for those few uneasy spirits yt are joyned in
Interest with Mr: Blair as soon as they find yt yo:r Lordsp hath discou-
raged him (they very well know yt he hath no other support or depen-
dance) will immediately come to themselves see their former folley, and
consult their true Interest and no longer disturb the Peace and quiet
of this Goverm:t whereas on ye other hand should Mr: Blair be in ye least
encouraged or supported in ye many Ills yt he hath been guilty off it will
quickly increase and augum:t ye number of factious uneasy spirits and
make them attempt far greater evills to ye ruen & disturbance of both—
Church & state all which is now in your Lordsps power to prevent and to
establish ye compleat happyness of both and now to use ye words of a—
great man if ever so good and great a work be done this in ye time,
and therefore I do with all good men who love ye Peace & Prosperity of
Jerusalem most heartily pray yt God Almighty would be pleased to put it
into yo:r Lordsps heart to improve ye blessed oppertunity which he hath
put into your hands

I am very well assured yt yo:r Lordsp will have
a farr greater respect and reguard to ye united voices of all yo:r Clergy
not only of Virg:a but of all ye Govermts: of America together with ye voices
and prayers of many thousand true sons of ye Church who do pray for—
p5 the Peace and Prosperity of it than for ye sley insinuations of a few
factious prejudiced men who were they to live a hundred years could
never be able to do a thousand part of so much good as they have done
mischief in this very Governmt: I could heartily wish yt Mr: Comissary
were well provided for in Engld so yt if possible he might never return
to this Governm:t again which I hope would be happy both for ye Country
and himself too If my hearty Love & zeal for yo:r Lordsps hon:r and the
publick good of ye Church and state hath raised a warmth in me and
forced me to speak some plain truths I am sure yo:r Lordsp hath—
goodness and Charity enough to consider ye true motive & freely pardon
me. I should not have been so large on this Subject but on this consi-
deration if Mr: Blair had assurance enough to attempt imposing on me
who was not altogether a strainger to ye sev:ll Interests and state of the
Country especially being, on ye spott and might so easyly be disabused
what hath he not done by his cunning insinuations and Agents at so
great a distance as England. but whatever success he hath had in im-
posing on others (for I must allow him as able to make ye best of a bad
cause as any man) yet I am very well assured yt it will be impossible
for him with all his cuning to impose on yo:r Lordsp which is all I will
presume to say. And as to what concerns ye present state of the
sev:ll Goverm:ts on this Main I must refer yo:r Lordsp to my severall
memorialls & lett:rs which, I have now sent to ye Rt: Hon:ble the Lords
of Trade. I had almost forgot to take notice of a great charge improved
by M:r Comiss:ry against his Excellcy yt he hath refused or neglected to induct
ye Clergy so yt their Condition is very precarious and subjected to the—
arbitrary will of ye Vestrys I can assure yo:r Lordsp from my own know-
ledge yt no man living could be more zealous to remedy this evil and
secure this point for ye Clergy than ye Gov:r was which appeared by his
Instructions to me when I went last to England being ordered to lay it
before yo:r Lordsp & get ye Atturny Gen:lls opinion on ye Act of Assembly
of this Province which accordingly I did and brought it with me but
it proved in some things short for 'thô 'twas positive yt in case the
Parish did not present in a limitted time yt then that right did—
devoute to ye Crown and yt ye Gov:r might Induct but gave no direction
p6 what prossess or methods ought to be used in case ye Vestry did refuse—
to obey or should shutt ye Church Dores agt. ye Ministers inducted wch:
might very well be expected his Excellcy very well considered this to be
a matt:r of great moment & therefore thought it not safe to put it to
ye hazard 'till he could get further advice & directions effectually
to secure this great concern and hath sent again about this business by
Mr: Jones and I can assure yo:r Lordsp yt ye Gov:r resolves as soon as he
receives ye further advice and directions yt he dayly expects he will take
ye proper methods of doing ye Clergy Justice and securing this point for
them of which I believe they are all very well satisfyed and some of ye
Gent: know yt: it is not his Excellcys fault yt this business hath been delay'd
so long But Mr: Comiss:ry Blairs I have this acct: from some of ye Clergy—
who gave me sev:ll Instances of his endeav:rs to encourage and support the
Vestrys against them this method he thought would make him Populer
with ye People and at ye same time endeavouring under hand to lay ye
fault on ye Gov:r a more full acc:t of this matter yo:r Lordsp will have
from those very Clergy men yt have been thus treated by ye Comiss:ry
to which I refer. I could not omitt ye sending yo:r Lordsp ye Coppy of
an Address signed by M:r Comiss:ry Blair to shew yo:r Lordsp how inconsistant
this Gent: is with himself having under his own hand contradicted what he so
industriously & zealously endeavoured to impose on all & in pticular on my
self I will not take up more of yo:r Lordsps time to coment on this duble
unchristian dealing but refer to yo:r Lordships Judgem:t

This goes by Coll: Daniel Coxe who will give yo:r Lordsp a very good acc:t
of most Governm:ts in America. I will not presume to trespass any furt:r
on yo:r Lordsps patience but most humbly to beg yo:r Lordsps blessing and
leave to subscribe myself as I truly am

Right Hon:ble

Octob:r ye: 25th

Yo:r Lordsps most obed:t Son & humble servt

Rob:t Quary.