1781 December 5. Letter: Richard Young to Pierre Francois de Beville
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS1943.1


Fredricksburg Decr . 5th . 1781


I Received your favr of the 3d . Inst . Respecting the Express
on the Route from this to Lynches Tavern I can inform
you that the two Express which was stationed at the
Bowling Green came here yesterday and Insists to be
Discharg'd unless I cou'd pay them their wages which
was entirely out of my power, as I have not a Shilling
of money. They were engaged for two months, and
the time expired yesterday, and they will not serve
any longer unless they can be paid__ If money can
not be obtained for the purpose of paying the Express
Riders at the Different posts it will be impossible
to keep up a line of communication, I have wrote
very pressing to Major Claiborne's. [D. Q. Mr ] on the
Subject, & he informs me that it is not in his
power to furnish me with Cash, I have engaged
a man at the Bowling Green who will ride for
a short time, and I hope some method will
be taken to pay them-I have given him
Directions not to deliver any letters to any
person but the Dragoons who are appointed
at Lynche's Tavern, I shall write to Col. Hendrick's
Quarter Master at Alexandria, and Inclose him
a Copy of your letter-You may rely on my
doing every thing in my power to keep up
the Chain of Expresses through my District
and will suppress any irregularity that may
p2 take place amongst the Riders. If Cash is not Ob=
=tained in our Department very Speedily I shall
not be able to get men to carry dispatches-

I have the honour to be
with the greatest Respect
Your most Obt
Humb Servt

Richd . Young

[illegible] Beville Qr . Mr . Gl .

Publick Service

The Quarter Master General
of the French Army
Head Quarters
