Francis Fauquier, letter, June 30, 1760, to Landon Carter
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS1945.2


Wmsburgh June 30th. 1760


I this day read your Bill for £50 Sterg. For the
Relief of the Sufferers by Kind in the Town of Boston.
A noble Instance of your Benevolence to Mankind
in general, your Letter wch. accompanied it fully
shows your [lines] of Feeling for those more close-
ly connected to you.

Your modesty must not be offended if you should see
your Benefaction in print, for as I propose to
print in the Gazettes occasionally the selections
I receive of the Parishes that Mistakes may be recti-
fyed if any should happen [tear] the persons sent
to me wth the Money; I should not do Justice
to you to the cause of the distressed if I was
to with-hold so illustrious an Example.

I long to see you in print as the Conversation
on the Subject of the Clergy is revived by the
p2 Arrival of Mr. Camm. He treated me as usual
with Indignity, and in Return I forde him
my House. Mr. Giberny will have a full acct.
of the [Transaction] by ye [rubbing], wch. I
suppose by the Means of Col. Charles you may
amuse Your self with, if it will offer you any
Relief from the melancholy thoughts constantly
attending a humane Master of a sick Family

I am Sr
Your very humbl

Fran: Fauquier

Governor Fauquier
June 1760

To Col. Landon Carter