James Mercer, permit, October 30, 1771, for slave travel
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS1975.1


Negro Bobb, Coachman, & Negro George, Postillion.
Without molestation. __ __ __ __ __ __

To Pass, from Fredericksburg, in Spots__ on to James
Mercer Esq. at Williamsburg, with a Coach and Six Horses,
Commited to there care, __ __ __ __ __ __
The severel inn Keepers whare they may have occation to
Bate, are requested to furnish them with what may be ~
Needfull, for the Horses & themselves, agreeable to the usual,
Custom of victualling of Negros on such like Emargencies ~
taking care to sell down the Expence on the back of this ~
Passport, with the Inn keepers Name, that Mr. Mercer may ~ Discharge the same on his return.

Jhd. Oliver

Stewart to Jas Mercer Esqr.
All Concerned ~ NB. they begin there Jurney on the 19th Octr
'77' ~

[illegible]ed by [illegible] [McCloud] [illegible]


Octr 31,st Bobbs Charge with
Jno Martin

To 6 gallns. oats3.9
18 Bundles Fodr.1.6
To suppers1.3
To [pastrig]3.0
To Coydo1.0
9 st? 5, to Fodr. goats2.10[rubbing]
Mr. Mercer Esqr. to Jno. Martin3.4[rubbing]

James Mercer Esqr.
2 Bay [illegible] 1.4/5
6 parts oates & foder 3.9
[illegible] 5.4/5

AM _
[rubbing]ohous Pap for Sot geg
[rubbing]poutg their expences-
[rubbing]nd. In 1781 n