William Pitkin, letter, February 2, 1769, to Lord Botetourt
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS1980.4


Hartford 2d. Februry. 1769

My Lord,

I am honour,d with your Lordships
Letter of Decembr. 24th. 1768 last, directd
to Thomas Fitch Esq, Governor and by him inclosed,
and forwarded to me, as I have the Honor
to be in that Station at this Time_ Would
congratulate your Lordship, on your
Appointment, and safe Arrival to America;
gratefully acknowledge, your profer,d
Concurrence, in Measures for the good of
America; to concur with your Lordship
in such Measure, will be the Pleasure
and Satisfaction, of your Lordships ~

Most Obed.nt and__ Most Humble Servnt

To Lord Botetourt

Wm. Pitkin


Letter to Lord Botetourt
Febry 4th 1769

b. [Hartford April 26], 1694
d. l " Oct 1, 1769
bl. [illegible]1741-66
Sr. [illegible]1754-66