1782 December 19th, Receipt acknowledging payment from Messrs Wadsworth and Carter for supplies


Wms burg Dec 19th 1782
The [Intendant] Genl of the army of France

To the United StatesDr
For 22 Beves deliver'd the French troops at James Town
For Order of the Honble Major Gen. Marquis La
Fayette Placed 5th Sep 1781 @ 5-10/ [per]

For 3 Bushels Salt delivered [per] rect of Mr Reynaund} 5- 8
9th Dec Ditto at 36/ [per]____________

Mark Garrett A[illegible] Amer: Army

Received Williamsburg State of Virginia Febury 1782 from
Messrs Wadsworth & Carter agents to the army of France [per] the hand
of A Wells One hundred twenty six pounds eight shilling coin
paying in full for the above Bill
[per] Mark Garrett



Mark Garrett
Bill & Rect £126..8

Febrry 8th 1782