
This Indenture Witnesseth, That Thomas
Clayton son of Thomas Clayton late of Richmond County hath put himself, and by these
Presents, doth voluntarily, and of his own free will and accord, to and with the consent and
Approbation of his Mother, put himself apprentice, to James Griffin of the aforesaid County
(Joiner), to learn his art, Trade, or Mystery, after the manner of an Apprentice; to
Serve him from the Ninth Day of October last past, for and during the Term of five Years
Next ensueing; During all which Term the said Apprentice, his said Master faithfully
shall serve, his secrets keep, his lawfull commands gladly every where obey.
He shall do no Damage to his said Master, nor see it to be done by others without
letting or giving notice thereof, to his said Master. He shall not waste his Masters
Goods nor lend them unlawfully to any. He shall not commit Fornication, nor
contract Matrimony within the said term. At Cards, Dice, or any other unlawfull
Games he shall not play, whereby his said Master may have Damage, with his own
goods, or the goods of others. He shall not absent himself Day or Night from his Masters
Service without his leave, nor haunt Ordinaries, but in all things behave himself
as a faithfull Apprentice ought to do during the said Term. In consideration whereof the
said Master shall use the Utmost of his Endeavours to teach or cause to be taught or
Instructed, the said Apprentice in the Trade or Mystery of a Joiner and House Carpenter which he now followeth; And procure
and provide for him sufficient Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging, and Was[illegible]
Fitting for an Apprentice During the said Term. And for the true performance
of all and every the said Covenants and Agreements, either of the said parties bind
themselves unto the other by these presents. In Witness whereof they have
Interchangably put their hands and Seales this Second day of March in the
Twentieth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the second by the Grace of
God of Great Brittain &ca Annoq Dimini 1746

Signed Sealed & Delivered}
in Presence of Us}

Thomas Clayton

Ann Hunt her A mark


Acknowledged in Richmond County Court
the Second Day of March 1746 by Thomas
Clayton and Ordered to be Recorded to

M Beckwith Cl Cur

An Indenture Between
Thos Clayton and
James Griffin

Rec: & Exa