A Wells, letter, March 19, 1782, to Elisha Abbe
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS1996.21

M Elisha Abbe
Williamsburg March 19 th1782

My Dear Sir

I have the pleasure of acknowledging
the Receipt of your two letters of the 20th & 12th
Inst__ the latter of which came to hand yesterday,
Just as Mr. Pease / who arriv'd here seven days ago
in company with Peterbolt Esqr / was seting off
for Philadelphia, and did myself the honor
by him, to write your brother, my old Friend
& acquaintance, agreeable to your request.

Our Friend Mr. Hubbard arriv'd here three
weeks since; he brought a number of letters
for you which together with some that had ob
=viously come to hand, & after since, both
making in the whole a very respectable packet,
shall be pushed forward by the earliest con
p2 immediately on for Hartford, to spend the Campaign
with us-the form to be placed at the Head of
the Artillery Department---

I assure you
Abbe, we have glorious times-Cash plenty,
Business gently crowding, and a sufficiency plan
out, to keep us all clearly busy-we are
in full health, and generally in a tolerable
flow of spirits-

Please do mention me
with my best Compliments to our Friend
Brewster-and be assured that with
Esteem & Regard

I am Dear Abbe
Most Sincerely yours

A Wells

I will thank you
for Mr but not for