Jacob Averill, Preston, CT, apprenticeship indenture with Gideon Kinne, 11 Sept. 1770.
CWF Rockefeller Library, Spcecial Collections - SCMS 2000.36


This indenture witnesseth that we Aron Crory Jonathan Brewster
John Tyler & Ezra Kinne Select men of Preston in the County of
NewLondon & Overseears of the poor in Said Town Do bind out Jacob
Averill the son of Solomon Averill one of this Towns poor unto
Gideon Kinne of Preston in Said County with the Said Kinne to Dwell
after the manner of an Apprentice from the Day of the Date hereof untill
he Shall arive to the Age of Twenty one years Dureing all which time
the said Apprentice his sd Master Faithfully Shall Serve his Secrets
Keep his Lawfull Commands obey he Shall do no Damage to his Said
Masters Intrust he Shall not absent himself by Day or Night
from his Said Masters Service without his Leave but in all things behave
himself as a Faithfull Apprentice Dureing Said term of time —
And the Said Gedion Kinne Doth Covenant and Oblidge himself that
he will provide for his Said Apprentice Sufficient Meat Dinner appar
aparel Washing and Lodging Sutable for such an apprentice both
in sickness & in helth During sd Term & also to Learn sd
Apprentice to Read well and to write and Cypher so far as to be able
to keep a book; and at End of said Term of time to give his Said
Apprentice two good Suits of Apparil one Sutable for Sabbath
Days and the other for Every Day and a Bible and to pay to said
Apprentice the sum of thirty three Dollars and one third

In witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto
set their hands and seals this 11th Day of September 1770

Signed Sealed & [DD]
In Presents of
Jonathan [illegible] Junr
J[er]h Halsey

Aron Crory [seal]
Jonathan Brewster [seal]
John Tyler [seal]
Ezra Kinne [seal]
Gideon Kinne [seal]



Newlondon County [illegible] Sepr 11th 1770
the Doings of the Select Men In [illegible]ing [illegible]
within Named Jacob Averill is approved
[per] me Saml [illegible] Justice of Peace

Jacob Averills