Greg, Cunningham & Company letter to Newton & Gordon, 18 June 1774 & 13 Jan. 1775
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS2002.15

Messrs Newton & Gordon

New York 18 June 1774


We have your Esteem'd favor: 23 July 13 &
[16] Sepr : I have not been able to get any thing yet done
with Lord Sterling, but you may depend we shall
endeavor it the first time he comes to Town. the
Letter for Norfolk was carefully forwarded~ we
make no doubt you will Dispose of our small
adventure to best Avantage, you have C[illegible]d it
for the amount of the Minor Disbursements on
Vis[illegible] ~ we never ment but that you shoud
have taken the bill for the half [Freight] of
Chambers & Goods to the payment of the Particular
Wines if you are a [loser] there by, we dont think
it right that you shoud suffer by your friendly
behavior to us~ The wines were [all] Very good
but were obliged to pay the Dutys for the
whole~ The wine by Ashfield was Very inferior
but [some] good Wine will not sell to advantage
until it Lyes some time here & more over the
Troubles of Regulations here will prevent any
Prudent People from sending goods here ~ for
Between the sons of Liberty & Government the
p2 Merchts: will be well watch'd. we Inclose you a
News Paper Containing the Proceeding of the Congress
What has been up at 7/6 is now 7/ I hope will be
[Lower] [illegible] 19/[ Ex '72] [illegible]6 Should we recover Lord
Sterlings bond shall invest it in the Articles you desire
it was Luckey you sent us no Tea as it will not
sell ~ [Mrs Provist] putte us off yet however she
expects some money Very shortly I then will pay
it We are truly

Your Most H[illegible] Servt

" Copy/

New York 13 Jany 1775


Arrivd you have Copy of our last & Since
have your favor 4th Octr informing us that Mr Gordon
was gone to England, Lord Sterling has not been
in Town since we last wrote, [Mrs Provist] has [wt]
last with much trouble paid your bill at 75 P[er] C[ent]
l[illegible] [none] we coud not get tho you are [glad] to have
been paid at 80 P[er] C[ent] however rather than have a
dispute with an executor we thought it best to
receive it [&] Charge you the Difference £1.3.11
p3 Curcy . In spring we expect Produce of all hands will
be reasonable in the mean time we are truly
as soon as Convenient shall
be glad of the Sales of our


Your most Humble

Greg Cunningham

& Co

New York
the 13 January 1775
Greg Cunningham &c
Recd 20 Feb
Ansd 8 April 1775


Messrs Newton & Gordon
Merchts in
& Capt Ashfeild Madeira
