July 21 1761. Warrant Enlisting William Gaspey as an Impressment Officer. (from collection Royal Navy Impressment Authorization Papers of Lt. William Gaspey, 1759-1761)
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS2003.11


By the Commissioners for Executing the Office of
Lord High Admiral of
Great Britain and
Ireland, &c. and of all His Majesty's
Plantations, &c.

IN Pursuance of His Majesty's Order in Council, dated the 16th
Day of December 1760, We do hereby Impower and Direct
you to Impress, or cause to be Impressed, so many Seamen, Sea-
faring Men, and Persons whose Occupations and Callings are to
work in Vessels and Boats upon Rivers, as you shall be able, in order
to Man His Majesty's Ships, giving unto each Man so Impressed,
One Shilling for Prest-Money. And in the Execution hereof, you
are to take Care, that you do not demand or receive any Money,
Gratuity, Reward, or other Consideration whatsoever, for the Sparing
any Person or Persons fit for His Majesty's Service, or Exchanging
or Discharging any Person or Persons who may be Impressed ;
and also, that every Person acting under you does not demand or
receive any Consideration whatsoever upon the like Account, as
you will answer it at your Peril. This Warrant to continue in Force
till the 31st of December 1761. And in the due Execution there-
of, all Mayors, Sheriffs, Justices of the Peace, Baliffs, Constables,
Headboroughs, and all other His Majesty's Officers and Subjects,
whom it may concern, are hereby required to be aiding and assist-
ing unto you, and those employed by you, as they tender His
Majesty's Service, and will answer the contrary at their Perils.
Given under Our Hands, and the Seal of the Office of Admiralty,
the Twenty First Day of July 1761

Lieutenant Will M. Gaspey

G.B. Nantes
J: Forbes

By Command of their Lordships,
Cmr. Stephens


[seal with impression of an anchor]

I doe admit of this Warrant being
put in force within this Borough
Witness my hand this
day of July 1761
John Richards

Borough of Reading
in the County of Berks

Borough of Reading
in the County of Berks to wit I do allow of the Execution of this Warrant within
the Libertyes of this Borough Given under my Hand
the fifth Day of October 1761
Harry Austin Deane

Corporation of Maidenhead
In the County of Berks [doo] allow of the Execution of
this Warrant within the Liberty
Given under my hand the Second
day of Novr : 1761
John Hall Mayor


[seal with impression of an anchor]

2 Commissions for
the Ports and a imPress
Warrant & some
Admit Letters