W. Beatty Letter to Col. William Beatty dated November 6, 1780
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS2006.2


Petersburg November the 6th, 80

Honoured Father,

I take this opportunity to inform you
of my arrival this far to the southward. Also
that I am in a perfect state of Health & my
sincere wish is that you and all the family In I
Enjoy the same, I wrote you from Abroad Fredricksburg which
I hope you have receiv'd in which I mentioned our
[drawing] corn meal at Richmond & this place we
have got very good provisions ever since I have
been in this state it has been in an Uproar
with the invasion great numbers of the Militia
have march'd to the lines & many more on this
way by this time they must be strong enough
to Destroy the [Enemy] with ease if they catch
them any Distance in the Country & behave with
Bravery but that is doubtful with me for by
Report some of the Militia have already thrown away
Their arms & Run Away from [safer] numbers of the
Enemy . the enemy is said have retir'd to Portsmouth
where it's supposed by some they intend to Establish
a Port & that by others that they intend to pay Baltimore
p2 of their return to New York, if this should be the
case it will afford Maryland an opportunity to
show their spirit, as to this state the militia have
turn'd out very willingly but it dont appear that
the assembly act with the same spirit whether from
fear or for what other cause I cant tell, they have
been Endeavouring to make a House these [illegible]
four weeks (which is very much wanted at this
present Juncture) but it don't appear that they will
do it in a much longer time, We have very
flattering accounts from Carolina & I believe they
May in a great degree be depended on, the news
is that Cornwallis is on his retreat to Camdem &
that Genl Sumter with 1200 Men in his front
& Genl Smallwood with a very good body
of troops in his rear & Morgan with another
body on one of his flanks that Cornwallis has
only [1100] or 2000 Men at most also that the South
Carolinians Revolt from the British very fast
& bring off the arms put in their hands by them
I hope in my next to have it in my power to
congratulate you on Cornwalliss Capture. should
this be the case we shall soon have the pleasure
of seeing Maryland again


As I expect no other opportunities to write by
Hereafter but by the post you may direct the
Frederick post to take your letter out of the
post office at Baltimore to where I may
have opportunities weekly, If you write to me
by the post I may be sure of receiving [cut off]
but you must not fold more than one [cut off]
a letter or I shall be obliged to pay for [cut off]

Give my compliments to all [enquierers] [cut off]

I am Honoured [cut off]
Most Dutiful [cut off]

Son W Be[cut off]

I shall march for
Pittsburgh some day

Colo W Beatty

[fragments of words obscured on left-hand side of page]

Colo . William Beatty
Fredk County

Novr. 6th . 1780
No. 36