December 23 1776. Commission signed by General Howe
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS2007.3


[embossed seal]

By His Excellency The Honorable William Howe,
General and Commander in Chief of all His Majesty's Forces within the Colonies laying on
the Atlantic Ocean from Nova Scotia to West Florida inclusive &ca. &ca. &ca.

To Richard St. George Mansergh St George Gent.

By Virtue of the Power and Authority in me vested, I do hereby constitute and
Appoint you to be Lieutenant ____ to that Company whereof ________________________ Esqr is Captain in His~
Majesty's Fifty Second ____ Regiment of Foot, Commanded by Lieutenant General John Clavering ________________
You are therefore carefully and diligently to discharge the Duty of Lieutenant, by exercising and well disciplining both~
the inferior officers and soldiers of that Company; and I do hereby command them to obey you as their Lieutenant
And you are to observe and follow such Orders and Directions from Time to Time as you may receive from your Colonel,
Captain or any other your superior Officer, According to the Rules and Discipline of Way, in pursuance of the Trust hereby
reposed in you. Given under my Hand and seal at Head Quarters in New York ____ the Twenty third Day of December,
One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Six, in the Seventeenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third,
by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith and so forth. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

W Howe

By His Excellency's Command,
Robert Mackenzie


Richd. St. George Mansergh St. George Gent.
52d Regiment of Foot