George William Fairfax, Transfer of Power of Attorney to George Nichols.
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS2008_1


Know all Men by these presents That I George William Fairfax
of the City of Bath in the County of Somerset Esquire Have made
Ordained Authorized Constituted and appointed and by these present
Do Make Ordain Authorize Constitute and Appoint George Nicholas
of the City of Williamsburge in the State of Virginia in North America
Esquire my true and lawfull Attorney for me and in my Name place
And Stead and for my Use to Ask demand sue for Recover and receive
of and from all person and persons whomsoever all and every such
sum and sums of Money as are shall or may be due and owing unto me
the said George William Fairfax by or from any person or persons
whatsoever and in default of Payment thereof to have Use and take
all lawfull ways and means in my Name or otherwise for the
recovery thereof and on receipt thereof Acquitances or other sufficient
discharges for the same for me and in my name to make seal and
deliver and also to do all and every other lawfull acts and things
whatsoever concerning the same and one or more Attorney or Attorneys
Agents Managers or Overseers under you my said [At]torney to Nominate
Constitute and Appoint and him or them at your will and pleasure
to revoke and remove and other or others in his and [their] place and stead
from time to time to Nominate and Appoint and Generaly to Transact do
and perform all lawfull acts and things whatsoever as well in about
touching or Concerning the premises aforesaid as in about touching or
Concerning all other my Affairs or Business of what Nature or Kind
so ever and that in as full and ample manner as I myself might or could
do were I personaly present hereby ratifying and holding firm all and
whatsoever my attorney or those by him Nominated or Appointed as
aforesaid shall lawfull do or cause to be done touching or Concerning the
premises aforesaid or otherwise by virtue of these Presents In Witness
Whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this twentieth day of
December One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Nine .

Ge :Wm :Fairfax [seal]

Sealed and Deliver'd
in the presence of _ _ _}
W. King Cole Geo. Harmer Jno Harmer


Power of Attorney
G. W. Fairfax to
Geo. Nicholas