October 9 1765 Letter About the Stamp Act Congress by Hugh Ledlie
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. SCMS2008.8

New york Octobr . 9th 1765.


I Herewith send you the inclosed I[illegible] or Die I[illegible]y
[fitt]-thing at this present quarter when the Great Councel of
the Contenent now setts Here to Determene ye fate of
the Brittish Coloneys in North America Coll. Dyer &
I arrived Here ye 2d instant what gentm of ye Congress
Were present gott together the Next Day cont[inued]
[that forum] till monday ye 7th the printers Here dont
Care to Lett me have my papers till after ye 1st of Novr .
Next [illegible] Nobody Here Knows what is to be don after
that fattel Day Which is Dreded by Every [so called]
thinking man [illegible] in Hopes the present Congress
Will Do something Worthey such a Sett of Smart
Men as they apeare to me to be. I have been in company
With them severall times & Know som of ym from
the Southern provences. I hop to sett off for [Hamby]
next sunday or monday. Next I Hop to be at Home
som time next week, but ye Congress will [break] up
[if any] [illegible]ten, plese to tell yr father that I
Have Don Every thing as to His Letters. He [desired]
me agreeaball to His morandoms but there [were]
no. Letters Either for Him or Mr. Hobbend att mr .
Riedens or Elsewhere in N- york that I can
Find. Should be obliged to you to Look into the
Domestick aff[airs] at my famely a Littell if there
Is any thing amess plese to Ractifie it till I
Returne I Sepose Coll. Dyer Will Write you
the pent[illegible] of the Congress otherwise I
[would] as [sonne] as I Know [their] Names &c
would add [& another] but Mr. Braken is in a grate
Hast I am Sr yr fri[e]nd & Humbll Servt

Hugh Ledlie


Samuell Gray Esqr.

m:mr. [Bracken]

Capt Ledlies Letter
frm N. York
Oct 1765