Indictment of Slave Amy, 1751
CWF Rockefeller Library Special Collections. African Americans, Slavery and the Slave Trade. SCMS2010.2

Indictment in the hand of James Nimmo, King's Attorney for Norfolk County, addressed to the justices of the Court of Oyer and Terminer. In the document Nimmo relates how Amy, 'a negro woman Slave belonging to [Mr. James] Holt of the County of Norfolk,' entered the home of Captain John Willoughby and stole his property. Docketed on the verso: 'The King vs Negro.'


Norfolk County

James Nimmo attorney of our Sovereign Lord the King
who for our said Sovereign Lord the King comes into Court in
his proper person before his Majties Justices of Oyer and
Terminer & prays the Court aforsd to Understand and be Infor
med that Amy a negro woman Slave belonging to Mr . Jas . Holt
of the County of Norfolk the fear of God not having before her Eyes
but being Seduced and Instigated by the Devil on the 6th Day of
Decber : 1751 at the parish of Elzbth River and County of Norfolk
at Twelve of the Clock in the Night of the Same day wth :
force and arms &ca the mansion house of a Certain Captn . John
Willoughby of the parish and County aforsd : did Break and enter
wth : Intent felloniously to Steal the goods & Chattles of the
Said John then and there being (to wit) one hand Basket, Two
pair of thread Stockins 2 Muslin Handerchiffs, Two pair of
Womens Stockins, one Black hood Two Ocher Handerchiffs
one Towole, one pillow Case, one Sheet, Two yards New Linnen
three Linnen Handerchiffs, one Ocher Sheet, Two Ribbons Two
yards Cours Linnen, and three Balls of thread
a small Japan Box a piece of Courtain
in all of the Value of Ten pounds Currt money of Virga : the
proper goods and Chattles of the said Capt : John Willoughby
did felloniously steal take and Carry away against the
Peace of our said Sovereign Lord the King now his Crown and dignitie &ca

James Nimmo [illegible]


The King