MS31.04: Tazewell Papers
Deed of Indenture between John Randolph's Executors and John Tazewell 1778 October 15


This Indenture made the fifteenth Day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred and seventy eight Between John Blair and James Cocke surviving Trustees of John Randolph
Esquire and John Syme, Burwell Bassett and William Fitzhugh of Marmion Esquires of the one part and John
Tazewell of the City of Williamsburg Esquire of the other part. Whereas the said John Randolph did by Indenture
of Mortgage bearing date the ninth Day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and
seventy one convey to the said John Syme, Burwell Bassett, William Fitzhugh and to Bernard Moor who is since
dead all that Tract or parcel of Land lying and being in the County of James City and part thereof in the
City of Williamsburg containing in the whole by estimation ninety Acres and afterwards the said John Randolph
and Ariana his Wife by another Indenture bearing date the twenty first Day of August in the year of our Lord
one thousand seven hundred and seventy five did convey the said Tract or parcel of Land describing the same
to be the one hundred Acres more or less unto Peyton Randolph, John Blair and James Cocke to be by them or
Survivors of them sold for payment of Debts of the said John Randolph as by the said several Indentures
records in the County Court of James City may more fully appear. And whereas the said John Blair
and James Cocke (the said Peyton Randolph being dead) have in pursuance of the trust reposed in them
sold at public Auction the Tract or parcel of Land aforesaid unto the said John Tazewell for the Sum of four
thousand three hundred and twenty five pounds current money they the said John Syme, Burwell Bassett
and William Fitzhugh having requested such Sale and agreed to join in a conveyance to the purchaser.
Now this Indenture witnesseth that for and in consideration of the said Sum of four thousand three
hundred and twenty five pounds current money by the said John Tazewell to the said John Blair, James
Cocke, John Syme, Burwell Bassett and William Fitzhugh in hand paid at or before the sealing and delivery
of these presents, the Receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge and thereof acquit and discharge the said John
Tazewell his Heirs, Executors and Administrators they the said John Blair, James Cocke, John Syme, Burwell
Bassett and William Fitzhugh Have granted bargained sold aliened enfeoffed and confirmed and by these
presents do grant bargain sell alien enfeoff and confirm unto the said John Tazewell and his Heirs and Assigns
forever all that aforesaid Tract or parcel of Land lying and being in the County of James City and part thereof
in the City of Williamsburg containing by estimation one hundred Acres in the whole be the same more or less
and bounded as follows, to wit. On the North by the Street which divides the said Land from the Lots of
William Hunter and Elizabeth Dawson, on the East by the Lands of John Hatley Norton, on the South & West
by the Lands of John Greenhow including in the Land hereby granted the whole meadow Land on the west
Side thereof and the bricked Spring on the East Side thereof And all House, Buildings, Yards, Gardens,
Woods, Ways, Profits, Commodities, Hereditaments and Appurtenances to the same belonging or in any
wise appertaining and the Reversion and Reversions, Remainder and Remainders Rents Issues and profits
thereof and all the Estate, Rights, Title Interest Property Claim and Demand of them the said John Blair
James Cocke, John Syme, Burwell Bassett and William Fitzhugh of in and to the same and every part
thereof. To have and to hold all and singular the aforesaid Tract or parcel of Land and premises
with the Appurtenances unto the said John Tazewell and his Heirs and Assigns, to the only proper use
and befoof of him the said John Tazewell and his Heirs and Assigns forever In Witness whereof the parts is to these
presents have hereunto interchangably set their hands and affixed their Seals the Day and Year first above written.

Sealed and delivered
In the presence of
W. Norton
John Harris
Will Pasteur
Wm Pierce
by Wm Fitzhugh,
Burwell Bassett
& John Syme

John Blair
James Cocke
J. Syme
Burl Bassett
Willm Fitzhugh


At a Court held for James City County November 9th 1778.
This Deed was acknowledged by John Blair and James Cocke
and proved as to John Syme, William Fitzhugh, and Burwell
Bassett the Parties thereto by the Oaths of John Harris, William
Pasteur and William Pierce of the Witnesses thereto and
ordered to be recorded Teste Ben C Waller [illegible]

Blair Esq.
to } Deed
Ru.o & En.d