MS36.3: John Norton and Sons Papers
Letter, Peyton Randolph to John Norton Concerning Tobacco and Goods 1770 September 23


Virg.a Sep.t 23. 1770


Your son not having room in his own
ship put my tob.o on board Lilly. It is my whole
crop, five hogsheads, and will I hope be thought as
good as last year's, and sell for as much. I must
get the favour of you to send in the spring the few
articles mentioned below, and to take notice, that
the table cloths are to be Irish linnen; and I shall
be glad you wou'd be particularly carefull to do
every thing that is required to show they are
of that Manufacture, as no other sort can be
receiv'd. I am

Your Most Obed.t

Peyton Randolph

  • two pair felt large blankets,
  • twelve fine table Cloths, 10 quarters wide, Irish linnen.
  • twelve Courses D.o 10. quarters Square, Irish linnen.
  • a Copper tea kettle, to hold six quarts, of the best sort.
  • a Ball metal skillet, to hold a Gallon

Virg.a 23d Sept.r 1770
Peyton Randolph
R.d the 27 Nov.r Ex..d
Goods Ent.d pa:286
Ansd the 9 March 1771
H Goosley

In.n John Norton
Merch.t in