MS36.03: John Norton and Sons Papers
Letter from Robert Nicholas to H. J. Dawes dated June 16, 1772


Virga the 16th June 1772
R. C. Nicholas
Rec.d the 27th August
Ans.d the 31 Augst
H. J. Dawes Ex'd

Williamsburg June 1772

Dear Sirs:

I was this morning favour'd with your
Letter by Cap.n Robertson inclosing Invoice &.c and
being inform'd of a Ship just ready to sail from
the Office, have barely time to write a few
words in Answer to such parts of it as seem to
require Dispatch. I have wrote to you several
times lately upon the Subject of Copper money,
advising that our Assembly very cheerfully agreed
to adopt Lord Hilsborough's Proposals in every
part; we all think that currency half pence wou'd
be best at sixty to the pound Averdupoize* & then
it would be adviseable to make the first Experiment
with no more than £1000 st.g value exclusive
of Cost. I have only an Opportunity at present
of consulting with the Speaker; we are both willing
to give up the word Peace, as it seems to be exceptionable
& I dare say the rest of the Gentlemen
will concur in Opinion, so that it may be
struck out. We highly approve either of the Designs
for the back Front, but, of the two, should prefer that
which has the Vine or Branch runing up the
inner Edge, as we think it fulls up better & makes
the figure more compleat. I am much obliged both
to you & Mr. Havand for your kind presents. I long
to see them, as I shall have the greatest Pleasure
in looking at any thing that has even a Semblance
p2 of an original, whose Memory is exceedingly
dear to me; indeed it becomes more so almost every Day.
In a former Letter I desired the favour of you to insure
23 hhds of Tob.o belonging to M.r Edward Ambler's
estate & three of my own by Gooseley; he declines
sending round to James River, so that my principal
Consignment will be by Robertson.
Our Son & Daughter are both very well.
I thank your J.N. for his very civil & polite private
Letter. Accept my best Regards for you & all
yours & believe me on every Occasion,

D.r Sirs,
Y.r aff.te hble Serv.t

Ro. C. Nicholas

^* misspelling of "avoir du pois", a Middle English term for goods sold by weight, or the French "aveir de peis", literally, goods of weight