1/4 Chest Green Tea
1/4 do. Bohea do.
4 Bushels Spring fetches
4 do. Winter do.
For his Lordship's own use as much Superfine Cloath as will make
3 Coats of Green
3 do. of Brown
3 do. of Scarlet
3 do. of Gray
1 do. of Black
1 do. of Green Casimir
3 do. of Brown do.
1 do. of Gray do.
Buttons &c of the Colouers, but no lining
6 pieces white Silk Stocking for Breeches
6 do. Buff Coloured do. for dos.
6 do. do. worsted
2 Dozen pair large plain White Silk Stockings size inclosed
3 plain hats } the Diameter is inclosed
1 Gold laced do. } not to be remarkably fashionable
a Chamber Organ, the Demensions of which is inclosed
a very Small Organ for teaching Birds
A quantity of the best Gold leaf as mentioned in the inclosed Memd.
Enc. [1773, June 12] James Minzies
Invoice of Sundries for the Earl of Dunmore
15 Dozen bottles of Strong Beer
15 do. of Ale
3 Hogsheads of Porter
12 large Cheshire Cheese
2 Dozen Gloucester do.
100 lb. Currants
50 lb. Jar Raisins
4 lb. Mace
2 lb. Nutmegs
1 lb. Cloves
1 lb. Cinnamon
24 lb. Black Pepper
6 lb. Jamaica do.
2 Boxes hand Soap
2 Casks of Barley
24 Bottles Mustard
20 lb. Isinglass
100 lb. Rice
100lb. Split Peas
50 lb. Maccaroni
20 Dozen Packs of Cards
1 Barrel of good Vinegar
1 Dozen Wine and Beer Cocks
30 lb. Almonds
12 Bottles of Olives
6 do. of Capers
4 Dozen pint Bottles of best Oil
12 Bottles small pickled Onions
12 do. of small pickled Cucumbers
12 Dozen Wine Glasses
6 do. Tumblers
6 do. Quart bottle decanters with handles
3 do. 2 Quart decanters

Turn over

6 Carave bottles a pint each
1 Dozen round Salt Sellar Glasses } The sizes
2 do. Oval do.} of these Glasses is taken
1 do. Mustard do. } upon paper and inclosed.
a Set of Tea China of a dozen Cups and Saucers and the same of Coffie
2 Dozen large wash-hand basons of Queens China
6 do. of Plates of do.
a Set of Dishes of do.
2 Dozen Livery hats
6 Postillion Caps
60 yds. Silver lace, such as the inclosed
30 yds. Blue Cloath for foot-Men
30 do. Brown do. for do.
6 Pieces Brown Jeans for do.
1 Piece Green Shag for do.
1 do. Blue do. for do.
30 yds. Stripid flannel for Grooms waistcoats
Lining Buttons &c. for the Liverys
100 pair Strong large Shoes for Negroes
100 do. Strong Coarse Stockings for do.
50 Coarse hats for do.
12 pieces Oznaburgs
150 yds. Blue plains
6 Dozen Russia Towels
2 Pieces Hagabag
2 do. of Coarse Diaper
1 piece Carpeting

Turn over

2 Dozen Plate brushes from one to Six rows of hair wide
12 hard brushes
12 blacking do.
6 Shining do.
25 lb. blacking ball
50 lb. hair powder
3 Dozen hair brooms
6 do. Mops
3 do. Scrubing brushes
6 hard rubing do.
6 best harth brooms
6 Cloath brushes
6 Coach whips
6 Postellion do.
1 Dozen Curry Combs & brushes
1 do. Mane Combs and Spunges
15,000 20d. Nails
30,000 10d. do.
40,000 6d. do.
6,000 20d. Brades
2,000 4d. do.
4 Dozen best Sort of Spades
1 1/2 do. long Sithes
1/2 do. Short do.
1/2 do. Narrow hatchets
1/2 do. broad do.
1 frame Saw
3 Dozen files for do.
1 Chest of Carpenters Tools
6000 Tacks
1000 Screws of different Sizes from 2 Inches to a 1/2 do.
12 lb. Sealing Wax
3 Boxes wasers
600 best Quills

Turn over