MS43.04: Francis Nicholson Papers
Nicholson letter to Sheriffs, 1 March 1698/9


Virginia James City
March ye 1st 1698/9


His most Sacred Majesty hath been pleased to signify his royal pleasure to me, by
ye right Honble Wm. Blaithwait Esqr. &: yt he would have some mocking birds,
read-birds &. as allso blew-birds, Baltimore-birds, black birds with red upon their
Wings; and any other sorts of small birds yt are curious either for colour, or singing:
partriges, pheasants, wild Turkeys, and any other such sort of Fowl;
summer-ducks, fishing-Hawks, or any other sort of Hawks, Bald Eagles, & all
sort of eagles.

This is therefore in his Majestys Name, to will and require You to use yor utmost
care and diligence to procure so many of these birds and Fowl, as you can
with in your Country. You are to take care to provide cages, with suitable
Diet, and other Conveniences: and not put too many of them together, nor on
board one Ship. You must take 3 receipts from ye Captain or Commander of ye Ship
or Vessel bound to London; whome I doe hereby in his Majesties Name, command
to take you on board, and look to you carefully. And what he will have for so
doing upon demand I will pay him. They are to be consigned to his Majestys use to ye right
honble Wm Blaithwait Esqr out of ye Lords of ye Council for Trade & forreign
plantations, one of ye Clarks of his Matys most honble Privy Council, and his
Majesteys principal Secretary of War, at his house near white Hall.
And one of ye receipts you must transmit to him, and ye other two You must send
to me, with an account what they have cost, and other charges accruing thereon:
All which I will pay You. In punctually complying with these my orders
and Commands to You, I hope all his majestys loving Subjects in
this his Majesty most ancient and great Colony and Dominion p2 of Virginia, will be assisting to you for ye procuring of ye sd Fowls and
Birds &c. in doing which, You will highly oblige,

For ye Sheriffs of

Fr: Nicholson


Govr Order
for birds
for RW