MS43.04: Francis Nicholson Papers
John Locke letter to Nicholson, 10 October 1699


London 10 October 99


Much business & little health hath made my
answer later than it ought to have been to soe very civill a
lettre as yu writ me the begining of the year. And I am uneasy
that I have not had the oportunity sooner to tell you how little title I have
to those thanks, wch: are wholy due to the character yu had made of
yr self, for any service yu are pleased to think I have donne
you. Were my friendship really of that value wch: you seem to
put upon it, I should with more confidence speake of it, & tell
yu that by the same way yu first gaind my esteem yu will be sure
to keep & increase it. And I shall always think it my duty as well
as find it my inclination, whilst I am in the station I now am, to respect
& serve those who have the same aimes with me of serveing
their country and promoting the good of the plantations. I need not
therefor promise yu my friendship at our board: All that I can doe in any
occasion for yu there, I know yu will make yr self a right to. If in
any other capacity I may serve you be pleased to command me.

I returne yu my thanks for the bottle of Brandy & ye gloves wh I
received lately from yu by the hands of Sr Thomas Lawrence. They
were both welcome to me as the product of that country, & I shall shew
them as rarities comeing from thence, especialy the brandy, wch is of a kinde
that very few in England ever tasted or heard of before. I am

Yr most humble and
most obedient servant

J: Locke


Mr. Locke