MS43.04: Francis Nicholson Papers
Nicholson letter to Sheriff, March 3rd, 1699/1700


James Town, March ye 3d. 1699/1700


I do hereby in his Majestys name Will and require you to acquaint
the Minister or Ministers within your County, that (God willing they do
not fail of meeting me here on Wednesday being the 10th of April next
and that they bring with them their Priests and Deacons Orders, as
likewise the Rt Reverend Father in God the Lord Bishop of London
his Licence for their preaching, or what other Licence they have, and—
withall a copy out of the Vestry bookes of the agreements they have made
with the parish or parishes where they Officiate.

If there be any parish or parishes within your County who have no
Minister, I do hereby in his Matys name Command that the Vestry
of the said parish or parishes do by the said 10th of April return me
an Accott how long they have been without a Minister, and ye reasons
thereof, as also if they have any person that reads the Common prayers
on Sundays at their Church, This account must be signed by them
and they may send it by the Minister that lives next to them. So not
doubling of all your complyances therein.

I remain
Your Loving Friend

Fr: Nicholson

You will not fail of making
Return to these my orders as you will answer
the contrary to

For his Matys high sheriff of New Kent County in Virginia


P H Compton:Su b: Sherriff.


His Excellency commands
abt: y Ministers &c.