MS43.04: Francis Nicholson Papers
Nicholson letter to Major Burwell, 14 March 1700/1


March 14th 1700/1 about 6 aclock in ye morning


I desired my very good friend Coll Ludwell to speak with your concerning the most
important affair of my whole Life, being for ought I yet see, 'twill dispatch me into
another world, or make the small remainder of my life most unfortunate & uncomfortable
in this, unless you, Sir, be pleased to give me Leave to make my Addresses to yor daughter
Madam Lucy, who by her beauty, many extraordinary vertues, and rare accomplishments
&c hath charmed me to a degree beyond expression &c

The person who pretends to her I am sure cannot really be in love with her any otherwise
than for his own Interest; for certainly he would never have been so many days from
seeing her, when it was in his power so to do, for which one Act alone I think he hath
justly deserved to be debarred the honour & happiness of waiting upon the Lady:
and by the strong and mighty Law of Love he hath most justly forfeited any promises
made either by yorself, or the young Virgin, And then, Dear Sr, for Gods sake consider
me, And whatever proposals you shall make, if possible, I hope in God shall be
complyed with by him who is

Yor most affectionate, tho at present most
melancholy, friend

If you & Madm Lucy are resolved upon
my ruine, I pray God forgive you; but for his
sake, Dear Sr, be pleas'd to have a good Settlement
made for her, wch to hear of will be agreat
satisfaction to